Online Transfer: Maharishi Dayanand University Staff warn strike – News2IN

Online Transfer: Maharishi Dayanand University Staff warn strike

Online Transfer: Maharishi Dayanand University Staff warn strike
Written by news2in

Gurugram: Teaching staff and non-teaching from Maharishi Dairand University (MDU) are in a hug against online online transfer policies that have recently been announced.
University staff have threatened to call attacks throughout the state to oppose the policy.
Being worried about the implementation of the online transfer policy of the state government of the state government, more than 2,500 teaching and non-teaching staff on Wednesday held a demonstration.
United Under Banner Federation Haryana University and College of Teacher Organization (HFucto), the protesters were seen wearing black ribbons on their arms.
They are fighting over that it will not only conflict with the national education policy, which promotes decentralization and autonomy for universities, but also in the conflict of the interests of the Executive Board of each university that appoints professors and other staff.
Earlier this month, the state government has told new online transfer policies for posts that have 80 or more cadres.
New policy is a branch of the previous policy that applies to posts that have 300 or more cadres.
While the government has not explicitly announced the inclusion of university staff under the policy, the urge to collect and upload data from all teaching and non-teaching universities in all countries have caused concerns about the government’s intention.
“About 2,500 staff support our demands to roll back the transfer policy.
There are plans to include teaching staff and non-teaching universities in government transfer policies.
This is illegal and contradictory to repeated written statements submitted by the government in court who explicitly states that employees explicitly state that The University is not a government employee, “said President of the Association of Randhir Kataria who did not teach MDU.
“MDU has been ranked between the top 100 universities in this country due to sustainable efforts from teaching staff and non-teaching.
Online transfers on the wishes and fantasy bureaucrats will take the status of university autonomy and will lead to increased academic politicization and research.
We demand the government to get out And issue an affirmative statement that their university autonomy and the executive board will not interfere.
If the government fails to do so, we will stop all academic activities and other higher education throughout the country, “said Chairman HFucto Vikas Siwach.

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