Only 1% of Pediatric Covid patients who need hospitalization: Doctor – News2IN

Only 1% of Pediatric Covid patients who need hospitalization: Doctor

Written by news2in

Nagpur: At a meeting of the Pediatriat Special Task Force held at the Office of the Prajaka Division of Lawangare Varma, a senior doctor repeated that only 1% of patients received Covid-19 in the third wave projection because the Omicron variant would require hospitalization.
In accordance with the doctor, the rest of the patient will recover at home without many serious symptoms.
“So, no need to panic, on the contrary, we must be prepared for 1% inpatient estimate,” they said.
A senior member of the Task Force said they told the commissioner of the Omicron variant trend division throughout the world.
“Children are mostly not vaccinated in India and can be a probable victim.
But no more than 1% of patients will need hospitalization.
So, settings for 1% possibilities must be done at Covid Hospital,” said Member.
The pediatric task force has veteran Dr.
Uday Bodhankar, former President of Ima Dr.
Kush Jhunjhunwala, Head of the Pediatric Department of GMC Dr.
Sayara Merchant, Hod Pediatric Department, IGGMCH Dr.
CM Bokde and Hod Pediatrics from Daga Hospital, Dr.
Vinita Jain.
The task force also suggested the Division Commissioner to continue by reopening the school because the spread tends to remain controlled in accordance with the central government guidelines.
“Bringing life to normal is also important and physical schools play the most vital role in it.
As far as the level of prospitis is below 1% of the total test, we must continue with school,” said a doctor.
Collectors of R Vimala District, NMC Supplementary Commissioner of Ram Joshi, GMC Dean Dr.
Sudhir Gupta, Deputy Director of Division (Health) Dr.
Sanjay Jaiswal and Deepak District Health Officer Selokar also attended a meeting.
As suggested by the doctor, the Division Commissioner ordered a separate setting for children at Covid Hospital, ensuring the availability of drugs for children in hospitals and coordination among institutions to deal with possibilities.
What experts say – so far there have been no reports that confirm the increase in the severity of the symptoms associated with omicron cases in children – there is no information to show that omicron causes covid-19 symptoms that are different from other variants – physical school by the way Restricted must continue correctly Covid behavior that is appropriate – only about 1% of infected patients in the pediatric group that is likely to be hospitalized – very few of them can experience severe diseases, most will recover

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