Only 4 of Kolkata in the top 10 HS goalscorers list – News2IN

Only 4 of Kolkata in the top 10 HS goalscorers list

Only 4 of Kolkata in the top 10 HS goalscorers list
Written by news2in

Kolkata: Rumana Sultana from Kandi King Manindra Chandra Girls School, Murshidabad missed the perfect 500-score only with a sign, otherwise he had surprised everyone by not only adding a higher secondary examination this year but also by becoming the first girl from a minority community , Never on the HS exam.
He scored 100 subjects except physics.
This is not his first Hall of Fame.
He has stood fifth in December 2019 from the same school.
His father is the principal and the mother of a school teacher.
Rumana wants to study at IISC Bangalore.
The Board has not published a list of achievements this year, following last year’s trend.
Because there is no written inspection and because the value is arranged based on the formula, the Board says it is unfair to compile the appropriate list.
It was announced that there were 86 candidates on the list of 10 top scorers but their names were not officially announced.
Except for four names from the city, the remaining position has been bagged by candidates from the district.
Bankura stole a show with 25 candidates in the top 10 brackets.
From them, 11 came from Bankura Banga Vidyalaya.
SOUTIK Kundu and Sakhi Kundu classmate have pocketed second place with a score of 498 from this school.
“I want to be a doctor and is preparing for the NEET exam,” said SOUTIK, who loved Cricket, said.
Two fifth position bagged by Hindu school students – Ankan Maiti a Dutta kousajit.
Ankan wanted to be a doctor and was preparing for his Neet’s exam.
Although only five short grades from the score were perfect, he was rather unhappy.
“If the test is written, my potential will be tested correctly,” said Ankan who was an amateur photographer.
Koujit is a swimmer and also an eler.
He admitted that he was not a nerdy and shift early in the morning and night to learn enough for him.
“I want to be a paramedic or farmer, but let’s see what is in the future for me,” he said radiant with a bouquet of flowers sent by Mamata Banerjee to him, along with all the top scorers.
Soumendranath classmates with 492 and Sudipto bag with 491 have pocketed the highest value of eighth and ninth from Kalna Maharaja Middle School in East Burdwan two more students from the city in the list derived from Pathfinder HS Public School, Jodhpur Park.
Chatterjee Upayan with 491 was ninth on the list and Dey Dey with 490 was in the top position of Scorers Scorers.
Suparna Sahoo with 491 also in the top ninth score.
He was from Aligunj Rishi Rajnarayan Balika Vidyalaya.
24 North Parganas also installed star performance by giving 17 candidates in the top 10 bracket.
(Input by Mahatamo Sukumar, Falguni Banerjee, MD Asif and Somjoy Khanra)

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