Only 40 workers for 179 parks at 238 hectares – News2IN

Only 40 workers for 179 parks at 238 hectares

Written by news2in

Nagpur: Unlike the reputation of ‘Green City’, The 179 Gardens (spread over 238 hectares) in 10 zones in the city of Nagpur slipping into negligence, with only 40 employees to defend it.
The lack of gardening staff and lack of funds for garden maintenance due to a small budget allocation by Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) gradually strangled the lungs of the city.
The fact that more than 50% of gardens or parks in Nagpur is in a bad condition shows a lack of seriousness in the authority of citizenship in providing breathing space to residents, several citizens said.
One of the main reasons for the neglect is the labor crisis in the department.
Against sanctions 273 staff, only 40 who work for the garden.
Thus, with only 15% of the labor assigned workforce, it is not possible to maintain 238 hectares of park in Nagpur.
A total of 182 of 273 posts in the department of the garden lay empty.
The post is approved when the number of parks or parks is 42, the source said.
Important posts such as gardener, security guards and mazdoors (workers) lie empty.
Of the 76 posts subject to sanctions, only 21 were appointed.
Likewise, 66 of 115 worker posts lay empty, influencing garden maintenance.
Of the 91 posts, 51 employees of the Garden department worked in another department, which was surprising because the department of the garden itself struggled without workforce.
Toi visited many parks throughout the city and found that the park developed by Nagpur repair trust (NIT) and handed over to NMC was in a sad condition.
Officials from the department recognized that the department faced a severe crisis in maintaining parks and parks.
With available labor, the department is maintaining a garden and if possible, he said, and said that if a park was cleaned today, the next turn could be after days as soon as the staff cleaned the other garden.
Corporator Corporator Manoj Sangole also shows that Nit Park in Siddharth Nagar, Lashkari Bagh, Laghuvetan Colony is in a mess because zero maintenance.
Playing equipment in many parks is broken and there is a lot of garbage in many parks.
The situation of the garden can be increased if the workforce is designated, said Sangole.
Sangole Gema, Green Activist and Founder of the Green Vigil Foundation Kaustav Chatterjee showed that the eyebrows had been raised when the Civic body took over 48 gardens from NIT, because the first struggled to appoint workers even for 131 gardens.
“The decision proved to be more optimistic and the consequences of most gardens in their current sad conditions,” he said.
Political interference needs to be limited so that employees can work at work they have recruited, Chatterjee said.
Because of the crisis employment, the department of the garden faced difficulties in conducting a tree census and limiting illegal tree logging.
“Because the power of giving permission for cutting trees has been given to the zone office, tree cutting cases have increased manifold due to political pressure,” said green activist.
NMC should not ignore labor in the department because it plays an important role in checking and maintaining city green plants, said residents.
No green thumb 179 — garden 273 — posts approved 182 — empty 91 — work 51 — shifting to the other 40 department — workforce at ground zero

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