Open school, 1.8K parents ask Maha Govt – News2IN

Open school, 1.8K parents ask Maha Govt

Open school, 1.8K parents ask Maha Govt
Written by news2in

Mumbai: Because the country reported a steady decline in the case of Covid-19, a group of parents from the city had submitted a petition to the government to reopen physical schools for all classes.
Parents have also written an open letter to the Chair of the Minister of UDDHAV Thackeray, highlighting problems related to online learning and the impact of the pandemics in their children.
The petition has been signed by more than 1,800 individuals.
The group also runs a campaign called #openmumbaisischool across social media platforms.
“Our children have left behind in learning because of online schools.
They do not maintain information, find it difficult to focus and suffer from acute.
This affects their mental health.
Depression and anxiety increases.
Children in formative years are hardly read and skills Their mathematics has fallen, “read open letters.
Gayatri Sabharwal, two parents, said regular schools have continued in most countries around the world.
“In the state, everything is open.
Children go to the mall, playground and birthday party but are not allowed to go to school.
Also, our parents want the best for our children and we urge the government to allow physical schools to reopened for all, “said Sabharwal.
He said standard operating procedures must be submitted to schools and parents for better implementation of security precautions.
“We have talked to many pediatricians and they say it is safe for children to go to school.
Also, children have natural immunity.
Even if they sign a virus, they have a mild infection,” said Sabharwal.
Chef-Restaurate Nikhil Chib who supports the petition says children have reported de-growth and now cases have been dipped, schools must be opened again.
“For those who don’t want to send their children to school, there are online learning options.
But it can’t happen to all children for a long time,” Chib said.
At present, the state has allowed physical schools from grade 8 to 12 in urban areas and grade 5 to 12 in rural areas.
The state government is considering enabling a younger class of 5 to 7 to attend physical schools in cities and primary classes can be permitted in rural areas.
Dere asked, mother to six-year-old child, said children suffered secretly, their mental health, physical health and even intellectual health were affected.
“Online education is half effective, the learning rate is slow and not focused.
In addition to not learning, social awkward children today due to limited physical interactions.
Now with most parents and grandparents are fully vaccinated, the risk of contracting the virus of children Children have also been reduced, “Dere said.
The petition says we have to learn to live as usual as a pandemic might not end.

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