Open School Back: There are no vaccine shots for children making parents restless – News2IN

Open School Back: There are no vaccine shots for children making parents restless

Open School Back: There are no vaccine shots for children making parents restless
Written by news2in

Nagpur: As a school in the city preparing to reopen, many parents expressed concern over how things would eventually come out.
The second wave of devastating, the episentren is Amravati and Nagpur, has left a profound psychological impact on many things because there are doubts by many parents to send children to school.
Natasha Gaikwad, parents, said, “Many parents will have the same problem because there are no vaccines that are approved for children.
If I send my child then I prefer to use our private vehicle because the school bus and transportation that is hired maybe not Safe choice.
“He felt that the safest option was to keep the city school closed until the next session or at least until students were vaccinated.
Other parents Chandrashekhar Wanjari said that he did not want to send his child to the current physical class.
“I don’t think it’s safe for children between so many other people on the same campus,” Wanjari said.
He said public transportation might not be the best choice at the moment.
“Even if the children go to school, I wonder how the school bus is safe and other public transport modes.
I will definitely drop and pick up my child in a private vehicle.
In the end, children’s safety is more important than attending a physical class , “he said.
Other parents Bharat Telmasre also said that physical class is not an option.
“I won’t send my child to school because his salvation is important to me surpass everything.
There are many risks sending children to attend physical schools in this period of time.
Schools should not be opened until and unless each child gets a vaccination dose and at this point of time safety and The security of each child is very important.
Such decisions must be taken when everything is under control, “Telmasre said.
Other parents Soujit Das said the terrible memories of the second wave in Nagpur were still lingering.
“Not long since the second wave.
We prefer if the government keeps the school closed for more time considering the children can be vulnerable,” said the watershed, who was a member of the armed forces.
Parent Sonia Sharma is worried that children may not be able to follow the guidelines on campus.
“I want to know how they will maintain the right physical distance every time and it will be difficult for school staff to monitor the same thing.
Schools must remain closed until everyone who attend schools, including students, are fully vaccinated,” Sharma said.

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