Open trial in the murder of US anti-racism protesters – News2IN

Open trial in the murder of US anti-racism protesters

Open trial in the murder of US anti-racism protesters
Written by news2in

Washington: Double murder experiments supported by dividing the right-left in US politics for anti-police and anti-racist protests last year opened Monday in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
The jury selection began in the case of Kyle Rittenhouse, a teenager who joined Vigilante’s groups against protests and riots, shot two dead men and injured one third on the night of August 20, 2020, drawing criticism from later -President Donald Trump.
Bringing a semi-automatic assault rifle, he has opened fire during the march against the persecution of African American police, killing two men, Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, and greatly injured a third, Gaige Grosskreutz.
All three are white.
The situation of the shooting, which was partly filmed by the observers, was at the heart of his case: Is Rittenhouse, who is 17 years old, intends to kill people when he goes to protest, or does he shoot yourself – Resistance? The judge in this case, Bruce Schroeder, underlined the question and liberal angry when he ruled last week that people shoot in this case could not be called “victims,” ​​but can be labeled “riots” or “burners” if the defense lawyer can show that they have been involved in the action.
“From those of you who are chosen for this judge will hear yourself clear evidence in this case,” Schroeder told a potential jury Monday, showing that some reporting about this case had been “irresponsible and careless.” Rittenhouse is charged with five criminal acts, including first-rate murder.
The anti-police protest erupted in Kenosha after a white policeman was injured and paralyzed a black man, Jacob Blake, shot him behind repeatedly during the arrest effort.
Antioch, Illinois, Rittenhouse drove 20 miles (30 kilometers) to Kenosha where he joined dozens of other people who said they were there to protect local businesses from looting and damage after riots.
Some videos capture the movements that night.
In one of them, Rittenhouse seemed to escape right before another young man fell to the ground with a gunshot wound on his head.
At the others, he was seen chased by a small group of demonstrators.
He fell, then pointed at the weapon.
The sound of fired shots was clearly heard.
Since then, Rittenhouse has become a figure of heroes in some right-wing and pro-gun, where the 2020 protests are blamed on radical violence.
The protesters “hard attacked him,” Trump said during Kenosha’s visit in early September.
“He might be killed.” After the arrest of Rittenhouse was released with a guarantee of $ 2 million, raised by supporters throughout the country, including Trump’s main supporters.
The prosecutor is expected to describe Rittenhouse as the right-wing extremist who comes to Kenosha with a specific intention to clash with anti-racism demonstrators.
His own lawyer will say he acts self-defense, shoot only to protect himself from rioting him.
If punished during the trial at the Kenosha County Circuit Court, Rittenhouse faced the possibility of a lifetime.

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