Opinion: Can the partition have been avoided? – News2IN
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Opinion: Can the partition have been avoided?

Opinion: Can the partition have been avoided?
Written by news2in

India finally got a new idea: the world’s largest democracy celebrated the 75th Independence Day tomorrow.
Where are we as a nation?

Why is Pegasus just the top of the iceberg

Itching two years: Post 370, J & K awaits permanent political arrangements.
Speed ​​up the restriction process

Afghanistan questions: India requires clear refugee policies based on international principles

When parliament becomes a noisy fish market, and MPS is irrelevant

Bad Tax Death: The Indonesian Government Beace for Bill to Bury 2012 inheritance

Chicken Tikka Masala & conundrum Congress: On Sibal dinner for OPPN leaders, the main course is GOP interrogation

Quota solved a little: order has turned into populist exercises to handle the work crisis.
This won’t help

Reckless Social Engineering: Each State Making a List of OBC Will Mean Mech Quota Sub-Castes, Recipes for Chaos

Hold the idea of ​​India: The world’s largest democracy celebrates the 75th Independence Day tomorrow.
Where are we as a nation?

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