Ortega vowed for the 4th term as a Nicaraguan leader – News2IN

Ortega vowed for the 4th term as a Nicaraguan leader

Ortega vowed for the 4th term as a Nicaraguan leader
Written by news2in

MANAGUA: Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega was sworn in for a fourth term in a row Monday considered rigged elections and on a day marked by sanctions from the United States and the European Union against members following administration.
Together she was first lady Rosario Murillo, was sworn in for her second term as vice president.
“We will continue to fight to defend the people so that they have health care, education and housing,” said the former commander of the Sandinista Revolution Plaza in the capital filled with flag waving party.
Ortega, 76, and Murillo, 70, oversees imprison opposition leaders, including seven potential challenger for the presidency, a month before the November election.
They remain challenging under foreign pressure.
On Monday night, Ortega called for the lifting of sanctions against Venezuela and Cuba – both of whose leaders attended the event – and said the US “has more than 700 political prisoners” in reference to those imprisoned in connection with the invasion of the US capital last year.
Ortega stated that the large street protests against the government in April 2018 was an attempt to overthrow the government with foreign backing.
Earlier Monday, US Treasury Department imposed sanctions on more Nicaraguan officials.
Ministry of Finance announced it would freeze the US assets of the defense minister and five other officials in the military sector, telecommunications and mining.
As with dozens of Nicaraguan officials are already under sanctions, US citizens will be prohibited from having contact with them.
“Since April 2018, Ortega-Murillo regime has cracked down on political opposition and public demonstrations, leading to more than 300 deaths, 2,000 injuries, and imprisonment of hundreds of political actors and civil society,” according to a statement the Ministry of Finance.
“More than 100,000 Nicaragua since leaving the country.” The State Department said Nicaragua “continues to hold 170 political prisoners, with many of those detained suffered from lack of sufficient food and proper medical care.” The State Department also imposed visa restrictions on 116 individuals associated with the Ortega regime, “including mayors, prosecutors, university administrators, as well as the police, prison and military officials.” “Security corrupt Ortega and the judicial system were arrested individuals to practice independent journalism, working for civil society organizations, are trying to compete in the elections, and expressing the public conflicting opinions to the orthodoxy of the government, among other activities considered normal in a free society,” State Department wrote.
“President Ortega will inaugurate his new presidential term for this day, but have determined the election he staged on November 7 did not provide him with a new democratic mandate,” according to the statement.
“Only elections free and fair can do that.” Ortega was elected to a fourth term in a row in 7 Nov elections were widely criticized as a joke after seven challengers tend Ortega was arrested and imprisoned in the months before the vote.
The inauguration ceremony was expected to be held Monday afternoon.
With all the government agencies firmly in the grip of Ortega and the opposition in exile, in prison or in hiding, the leader of 75 years eroded what remained of hope countries could soon return to a democratic path.
Instead, she seems ready to test the resolve of the international community and continue thumbing his nose at their targeted sanctions and statements of disapproval.
Ortega’s regime has been hit by rounds of condemnation and sanctions from the noise.
Nicaragua’s government announced in November it would withdraw from the Organization of American States, after the government accused the regional body Ortega repression and election rigging.
OAS General Assembly as condemning the elections, said they were “not free, fair or transparent, and the lack of democratic legitimacy.” Twenty-five countries in the Americas voted in favor of the resolution, while seven – including Mexico – abstained.
Only Nicaragua voted against it.
Ortega’s defiant stance has put Latin American governments in a quandary deciding whether to send a representative to the inauguration ceremony.
The Mexican government, for example, flip-flopped repeatedly on Sunday and Monday on whether to send anyone.
On Sunday, Mexico said it would send a foreign relations official secondary level, then said it would not.
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said Monday that he was not sure, then corrected and said he would send a charge d’affaires at the Embassy of Mexico in Managua.
A list of people expected to attend, including representatives from China, North Korea, Iran, Russia and Syria.
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel also present.

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