Our jailst was jailed in Myanmar slapped at a new cost – News2IN

Our jailst was jailed in Myanmar slapped at a new cost

Our jailst was jailed in Myanmar slapped at a new cost
Written by news2in

Bangkok: A US journalist who has spent more than four months in pretrial detention in Myanmar who was ruled by the military has been charged with the second crime, his lawyer said Monday, while the authorities refused to reveal the reason.
Danny Fenster, managing the online news editor based in Yangon and business magazine Frontier Myanmar, has been charged under the laws of associations that violate laws, lawyers than Zaw Aung.
Fenster (37) has been charged with incitement, also known as incitement, because it is thought to spread false or inflammatory information.
The violation can be sentenced to three years in prison.
It was not known what was accused of more than that caused his arrest on May 24 when he prepared to take a plane at Yangon International Airport to go to Detroit in the United States to see his family.
Asked last week about the reasons for the arrest of fenster, Government spokesman General General Zaw Min Tun Responding to: “The journalist, if they only do journalist work, there is no reason to catch them.
Danny Fenster does more than what Journalists do.” Fenster is One of about 100 journalists detained since the February military takeover.
More than half have been released but independent media are generally forced to operate underground or from abroad.
Instead of Zaw Aung said a judge announced a new accusation Monday in court in Insein Yangon prison, where he was detained.
He said he was not given further details.
The new cost says anyone who is “a member of the association that violates the law, or takes part in the association meeting, or contributes or accepts or requests any contribution to the purpose of the association, or in any way to help the association operation” can be sentenced to two Up to three years, Impris channels and fine.
Fenster lawyers and colleagues have denied mistakes on his side.
The US government and international media organizations have called for their release.
Fenster is one of a handful of foreign journalists who have been arrested and the only ones who are still in detention.
The association costs that violate the law have been used for ethnic rebel groups that are looking for greater autonomy.
Sympathizers and even journalists who contact such groups have also been sued.
A list of appointed groups includes popular opposition organizations representing the elected government in Aung San Suu Kyi who was overthrown.
The government of the national unity and the committee representing Pyidungsu Hluttaw (CHRP), or parliament, was declared illegal after their formation after the Army’s power seizure in February.
The Suu Kyi government while in power also conducted a prosecution based on law, including fighting journalists.
“Action associations that violate the law have a bad history to be used to demand political activists and journalists who report opposition groups,” Linda Lakhdhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhdhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhir “By making illegal Chph, myanmar’s junta raises the stakes not only for its members, but for anyone who supports, writes, or even just contacting the group.” The lawyer from Zaw Aung said the ference, which he saw in the Insin Prison Court was in good health despite his previous statement that he was afraid he was infected with Covid-19.
The lawyer said he applied for a guarantee for fenster in the incitement case.

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