Our watch bomb is factory, not raw: experts – News2IN

Our watch bomb is factory, not raw: experts

Written by news2in

New Delhi: The bombs were dropped by drones at the IAF facility in Jammu not only containing RDX of high-grade military explosions, but the preparation of three layers metals also confirmed their ‘sophisticated’ make.
The source said it showed that bombs, each weighed around 1.5-2kg, might be produced in the right factory settings, rather than assembled by a bomb expert.
A source said that the improvement of ‘sophisticated metals shows that the bomb may be produced in the weaponry unit, appointing the involvement of Pakistani state actors even though the investigation institution suspects that it is Lashker-e-Touba (leave) the launch of the drone.
Let it have launched many attacks in India with the help and active sponsors of Pakistani state actors.
Meanwhile, the home ministry on Tuesday handed over this case related to drone attack on Sunday to the National Investigation Agency (NIA).
Nia re-registered FIR, was originally submitted by police J & K, under the Section of 13, 16, 18 and 23 of the law activity law (prevention) that violated the law, 1967 and part of ACT and IPC explosives.
Nia, in a statement issued on Tuesday, said two explosions inside the air force station, Satwari Campus, Jammu in 6 minutes with each other, was carried out by the drone “in a planned conspiracy” which caused an injury at that time two IAF personnel and damaged office buildings.
Nia, along with the National NSG bomb data center, has become part of the probe right after the attack.
Detailed forensic reports on explosives used, are expected to be the end of July.

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