Outsourcing to contractors made the Afghan War business, report said – News2IN

Outsourcing to contractors made the Afghan War business, report said

Outsourcing to contractors made the Afghan War business, report said
Written by news2in

KABUL: The money from the US government for the war in Afghanistan confirmed billions of dollars for military contractors, which in turn gives a boost to the US defeat in Afghanistan as the conflict becomes a business, according to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported.
A small company’s monopoly also made billions of dollars to the effort, including training Afghan police, build roads, establish schools and provide security for Western diplomats, said the WSJ reports.
WSJ report said the outsourcing of military means the US Defense Department is spending $ 14 billion for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that began after 11 September 2001.
In the meantime, a large amount of money spent on the war effort and rebuilding Afghanistan after years of conflict strained the US government’s ability to contractors vet and make sure the money is spent as intended, according to the WSJ.
The report also quoted US military officials as saying that outsourcing to contractors is very important for the operation.
When the war with an all-volunteer military is smaller than past conflicts, and without concept, “you have to outsource so much for the contractor to perform your operation,” said Christopher Miller, acting Defense Minister Trump administration, as quoted by the WSJ.
“Dedicated support offered by thousands of contractors for the US military mission in Afghanistan serve many important roles to enter frees uniformed troops for war fighting effort is important,” Rob Lodewick, a Pentagon spokesman told the WSJ.
The Taliban reacted to the report and said that despite the huge amount of money poured into Afghanistan, the country has not been rebuilt.
“A lot of money is being injected into Afghanistan, but not used for the development.
The former government is very weak,” said Inamullah Samangani, deputy spokesman for the Taliban.
US Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction in a survey found that only 15% of the USD 7.8 billion, earmarked for development projects, was spent.
Finally, the “one-third to half of the” USD 14 billion of the cost of the war in Afghanistan and Iran “to go to the contractor”.
the use of American military contractors stretches back to the Revolutionary War, when the Continental Army to rely on private enterprise.
During World War II, for each of the seven service members, one of the contractors serving the war effort, according to the Congressional Budget Office.
In 2008, the US has 187 900 troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, the peak of its deployment, and 203 660 contractor personnel, according to the WSJ.

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