Pak to Finish fencing of Boundary with Afghan from June end – News2IN

Pak to Finish fencing of Boundary with Afghan from June end

Pak to Finish fencing of Boundary with Afghan from June end
Written by news2in

ISLAMABAD: In the aftermath of denying uncertainty in Afghanistan as a result of withdrawal of those US troops, Pakistan on Saturday declared that it could finish the fencing of its boundary with the war-torn state by the end of June.
Minister for Interior Sheikh Rashid Ahmed said this on the ground at the National Assembly, the lower house of parliament, the Dawn newspaper reported.
The Union informed that 88 percent work to the fencing of the boundary with Afghanistan was finished along with the”remainder could be finished by June 30″, ” it stated.
The fencing of this 2,640 km land boundary with Afghanistan started in March 2017 following a spate of attacks from across the porous border.
Pakistan shares a very long and porous border with Afghanistan, which functions throughout mountainous terrain and can be largely unpatrolled.
The Durand Line was drawn from the British rulers in 1896 and will be contested by Afghanistan, which likewise resists Pakistani efforts to erect any boundary fence.
The barrier includes 2 collections of chain-link fences, that can be separated with a 2-metre distance full of concertina wire coils.
The double-fence is 3.6 metres high over the side and 4 metres over the Afghan side.
Surveillance cameras and infrared sensors are set up and roughly 1,000 check places are a part of their safety system across the fence.
The motion throughout the border will probably be possible just through 16 specified crossings.
Originally, it had been anticipated to be finished by April 2021 however because of some delay, today the government is dedicated to finish it at the end of June.
Officials stated that Pakistan is employed to fortify the security devices on the western boundary because of withdrawal of the US troops that’s feared to make a vacuum in Afghanistan, together with the delicate security situation with potential effect on Pakistan.
US President Joe Biden at April declared that US troops could be pulled from Afghanistan from September 11 to terminate America’s greatest war which has cost trillions of dollars and the lives of over 2,400 soldiers.
Alluding towards the problem in Afghanistan at the context of those US troops pulloutthe ministry said that the subsequent two to three weeks were quite crucial for Pakistan since”now infighting is happening at several 38 places in Afghanistan”.
The Union also explained as many as 2,400 Afghan security employees had joined the ranks of Taliban.

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