Pakistan launched the first national security policy – News2IN

Pakistan launched the first national security policy

Pakistan launched the first national security policy
Written by news2in

Islamabad: Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan on Friday launched the public version of the country’s first national security policy (NSP) 2022-2026, vowed that the country would now lead to the right direction.
Because the original document signed earlier by PM will still be classified, the public version has been explained by the government as a policy framework for citizens, placing economic security in essence and looking for safe and tough Pakistan.
Launched a day after Parliament Pakistan issued a mini-budget and controversial amendment bill of the Bill of the Pakistani Amendment (SBP) to meet the requirements of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) ahead of the release of a $ 1-billion bailout package by Global MoneyLender.
This package is part of the $ 6-billion extension facility program that has been agreed with Pakistan with the IMF in July 2019.
Speaking of the IMF, Imran said that the state security was compromised when it had to be intermittently seeking moneylender support.
“We approach the IMF under the coercion, in the end, only the IMF is ready to help us and provide the cheapest loan.
We must comply with their conditions, and as a result, impose a burden on the people,” Khan said.
He noted that when the country’s economy was weak, it weakened his defense.
In a new policy, said Khan, national security has been defined in the right way, as before, according to him, the one-dimensional mindset applies in Pakistan as “We have a sense of insecurity because of the war against India in 1948 and 1965”.
The peaceful resolution of the clockwear dispute and Kashmir in accordance with the UNSC resolution has also been stated in documents as vital security interests for the country.
He stressed that the biggest security of a country was the people.
“When people become state stakeholders, it becomes the largest national security.” In its part, the National Security Advisors (NSA) Moeed Yusuf said the NSP has taken a wide view of national security because traditional and non-traditional problems affect it.
“While NSP is centered around economic security, Imperative Geo-strategic and Geo-Politics also highlight it prominently in it to strengthen Pakistani security and stand in the world,” NSA said.
He highlighted that this was a document that was resolved after completing civil-military consensus.
The policy, according to the previous document by the government, is intended to handle the economic challenges of external imbalances, socio-economic inequality, and geographical gaps between areas developed and under power in Pakistan.
This document emphasizes focus “cannot be negotiable” in Pakistan’s defense and territorial integrity, strengthening space-based technology and its application, and combating hybrid warfare through increased information and cyber security.
Regarding internal security, the policy seeks to ensure a warrant throughout the country, zero tolerance against terrorism, extremism and violent sub-nationalism, and combat the threat of organized crime.

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