Pakistan Taliban intensify terror attacks after takeover of AFG – News2IN

Pakistan Taliban intensify terror attacks after takeover of AFG

Pakistan Taliban intensify terror attacks after takeover of AFG
Written by news2in

Peshawar: When the Afghan Taliban has claimed full control over Afghanistan and works to form a government in the country, Pakistan witnessed a surge in a new terror attack in the country, which was claimed by the Pakistani Faction of the Taliban Afghanistan, the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).
In the latest terror attack, a suicide bomber blew up the material of the slaginess near the security checkpoint in Southwest Pakistan turbulent, claiming the lives of at least three paramilitary personnel and injured at least 15 others.
According to the report, the suicide bomber walked to the checkpoint guarded by the paramilitary border corps at Quetta Maskung Road in Balochistan Province, about 25 km from the provincial capital of Quetta.
TTP has recently just issued a warning to Pakistani media, asking them to refrain from calling it a terrorist organization.
“We called journalists and media houses from Pakistani media to stop their bias in the ongoing war between TTP and Pakistani security forces,” read the letter issued by the group.
“We have seen that titles such as ‘terrorists’ and ‘extremists’ are used with our names, which show the deliberate bias of the media.
This is warned and directed to mention TTP as TTP only and not with the title given by us.
Enemy,” Statement it’s read.
TTP warns terrible consequences if their worries are not addressed.
“Being biased against journalism ethics and will also attract more enemies for you (Pakistani media).” TTP is the first to publish a congratulations on the takeover of Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan, while also vowing to continue efforts to impose Islamic law and Muslim countries.
It should be noted that TTP is a Pakistani faction of the Taliban, which in loyalty with the ideology of Al Qaeda.
However, in the past, Pakistani military offensive operations had made them run.
But it seems that the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan has given trust in the TTP faction, which has launched a new attack, is targeted at Pakistani security forces and law enforcement agencies.
Afghanistan Taliban has stated that they will not allow their land to be used by any terror element to spread instability or terror in any country including Pakistan.
However, the Afghan Taliban has also signaled their suggestions to Pakistan that the country can also negotiate with TTP, in the same way as US forces have been negotiated and down to a peace agreement with them in Afghanistan.
The world may see Pakistan in satisfaction or satisfaction or celebration with the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan, but this remains the fact that development in Afghanistan has opened a series of new and more harmful challenges for countries as factions such as TTP have begun to show their presence in various parts of the country, with Taking the risk of the overall security situation and the lives of the local population.

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