Dubai: The big cricket will return to Pakistan after more than two decades with this country set to host the Champions Cup 2025, the ICC leading tournament.
The ICC board on Tuesday gave hosting rights from the 2025 championship trophy to Pakistan, while picking the United States and West Indies as the World Cup co-hosted 2024 T20.
This will be the first global event held in North America.
According to the announcement, India will get the host of three ICC shows in the next cycle, including the 2026 T20 World Cup and 2031 World Cup 50-Over, where the country will host Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.
India will also hold a single 2029 championship trophy.
Are you ready for the best decade of men’s cricket-balls? The eight new tournaments announced 12 are different … ICC (@ .icc) 1637062883000Pakistan, which last organized the world of 1996 trophies together with India and Sri Lanka, has not been able to organize many international matches in the country Since the 2009 terrorist attack on the Sri Lanka team bus in Lahore.
The last Champions Cup was held in England in 2017 and will be a return in the ICC calendar after eight years of gap.
New Zealand and England recently withdrew from the tour of the country and would be interesting to see if the team was finally getting ready to travel to Pakistan.
“In all probabilities, they may have to host in the UAE,” said the source because there will definitely be a certain level of reluctance to travel to the world part.
It’s a big and fun pride problem that Pakistan will host the 2025 championship.
This great news … Ramiz Raja (@Iramizraja) 1637063938000 Game Government Agency on Tuesday said that as much as possible 14 ICC members will host the ICC men’s event from 2023 to 2031.
“11 Full members and three Associate members have been chosen to accommodate two World Cup Cricket Men ICC, four World Cup T20 ICC and two ICC champion trophy events,” The Apex said body in release.
“The US and Namibia will host the ICC World Cup event for the first time.
While Australia, Bangladesh, England, Ireland, India, New Zealand, Pakistan, Scotland, South Africa, Sri Lanka, West Indies and Zimbabwe have previously held a big event Will do it again over the next decade.
“The ICC Greg Barclay chair thanked each member who made an offer and congratulated the successful bidder.
“To have 14 members of 8 hosting events is a reflection of our truly global exercise properties,” he said.
“It’s fantastic to go back to so many previous hosts, but what’s really interesting about this process is a country that will hold an ICC event for the first time including the US which is a strategic growth market for us.” This gives us the opportunity to deepen our relationship with fans in traditional cricket countries and also achieve new fans throughout the world.
“The host was chosen through a competitive bidding process supervised by the Board Sub-Committee chaired by Martin Snedden along with Sourav Ganguly and Ricky Skerritt.
That ICC board accepts the recommendation of the committee that conducts a comprehensive review of each bid along with ICC management.
Similar processes for Identifying the host for the ICC and U19S events for the next cycle will be carried out early next year.
Ricky Skerritt, Cricket West President of Indies and board members of the ICC said: “The success of this joint offer by CWI and USA Cricket will be a big boost for our cricket.
It offers vital strategic opportunities to promote and develop crickets, and related commercial activities, in North America and the Caribbean …
“Award events to hosts who prefer to submit to the settlement of the host and ICC covenants will work now closely with members to complete the settings .