Pakistani fighters, the Taliban are instructed to target assets built in India in Afghanistan – News2IN

Pakistani fighters, the Taliban are instructed to target assets built in India in Afghanistan

Pakistani fighters, the Taliban are instructed to target assets built in India in Afghanistan
Written by news2in

New Delhi: With the Taliban who joined Pakistan in Afghanistan in large quantities, their fighters have been ordered by Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) to target assets built in India in a torn country, over the past years.
The Indian government has invested more than $ 3 billion in Afghan reconstruction efforts since the last two decades and the road 218 km between Delaram and Zaranj Salma Dam; And the Afghan Parliament Building inaugurated in 2015, is the biggest symbol of India’s contribution to the Afghans.
In accordance with estimates and input, more than 10,000 Pakistan have entered the war zone in Afghanistan to openly support the Taliban attack on the Afghan government led by Ashraf Ghani.
In accordance with input, Pakistan and Taliban fighters have been sent with special instructions to target the assets built by India and remove signs of India’s good intentions there, the government’s source monitors Afghanistan to Ani here.
India has contributed a major contribution to the education sector in Afghanistan and has played a big role in training their teachers and support staff.
Pakistani-supported Islamic terrorist groups including Haqqani networks were very active for years against India there.
The Indian side is also in repairs to the problem whether they will be allowed to maintain its presence in Kabul so far there is no guarantee or indication given by the ultra-radical Islamic group that has been seen as opposed to India.
Indian agencies also monitor the situation at Kabul airport which will not be under the American guard for too long now.
Many airfields under Americans include the Bagram air base that has been emptied because of the upheaval of the ongoing force with the Taliban.
Indian workers involved in civil work were also asked to move.
The Indian public sector company WAPCOS has several officials there for dam projects.
India recently announced works worth around $ 350 million including Shahoot Dam because it provides drinking water to Kota Kabul.

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