Pakistani General’s son was convicted of asking for the army head to stop – News2IN
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Pakistani General’s son was convicted of asking for the army head to stop

Pakistani General's son was convicted of asking for the army head to stop
Written by news2in

Karachi: Pakistani Military Court has punished the son of the main general retired Pakistani army for up to five years in prison for asking the head of the General Qamar army to resign.
The convict was said to write a critical letter to the extension given to the Army Chief of Staff General Bajwa and request his resignation, international news reports BBC Urdu services.
The report stated that Hassan Askari, Son of Maj Gen (R) Zafar Mehdi Askari, was punished under the allegations of betrayal to criticize the extension of the Pakistani army head in his letter.
According to the news, Hassan was maintained by an officer told by the Pakistani military court in the trial conducted in July this year.
The father complained that he faced difficulties in meeting his son in a high security prison in Sahiwal.
Previously in January, this case was heard by the Islamic High Court which was directed towards holding a betrayal court on the camera.
During the trial, the question is to place civilians can be tried by a military court.
The question was then referred to by the court to be decided by military authorities.
Recently, the leadership of the Pakistani military and military was involved in the Spat on the appointment of the Director General of the Inter-Service Intelligence (Fill).

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