Pakistani human smugglers business boom when thousands of Afghanistan tried to leave after the Taliban takeover – News2IN

Pakistani human smugglers business boom when thousands of Afghanistan tried to leave after the Taliban takeover

Pakistani human smugglers business boom when thousands of Afghanistan tried to leave after the Taliban takeover
Written by news2in

Karachi: Pakistani human smugglers operating in the area bordering Afghanistan swept money because thousands of Afghans tried to get out of their country with clandestine meaning after the fall of Kabul to the Taliban.
Thousands of Afghans escape from Afghanistan to escape from the new Taliban regimes and seek asylum in different countries, including the US and many European countries, in a better environmental search.
“Business has boomed even before the Taliban enters Kabul.
We have smuggled around 1,000 people from across the border since last week and the business was booming,” Hameed Gul, who operates from a small town near the border of Chaman-Spin with Afghanistan, told PTI by telephone.
He was reluctant to divulge how much they charge to smuggle the Afghans to Pakistan, but Hameed is also the only one who wants to talk to this correspondent but he also confirms that there are other people who operate near the cities.
“These people are afraid of what will happen under the Taliban government and just want to get out of Afghanistan in any way that is possible and for that they are willing to pay for whatever we demanded and also smuggled into Pakistan,” he said.
He said human smugglers operated secretly from the border area and used their own transportation to smuggle Afghanists to Pakistan.
Source, who realizes this human smuggling racket, says they mostly operate from border areas such as Chaman, Chaghi and Badani in the turbulent Balochistan Province.
The source said most of the refugees were not officially tended to move to Quetta or other Pakistani cities as soon as they were safely in Pakistan and some of them already had relatives who worked in Karachi or Quetta who were there to support them.
Shah Muhammad Marri, who managed a literary magazine from Quetta, said that Afghan smuggling had been going on even before the Taliban took over.
“The entry of people from Afghanistan has happened before the Taliban Kabul takeover,” he said.
“I think this year alone around 55,000 Afghanistan has entered Pakistan through Balochistan, mostly children and women, because they only want to escape the war and conflict there,” he said.
Marri said most Afghans who had entered Pakistan through Balochistan belonging to the Ethnic Community Hazara Shia Muslim or Tajik.
An official, who worked with the Terrorism Department of the Police Counter Sindh and did not want to be named, said they were aware of a large number of Afghani people who entered Karachi for the past few days after feeling from Afghanistan.
“This is an unofficial refugees smuggled into Pakistan from Via Balochistan and they tend to mix very quickly with the Afghani population on the outskirts of Karachi,” he said.
Over the past years the right Afghanistan village has been near the national highway that connects Karachi to all Pakistan while there are also other small Afghan settlements near the Goth Sohrab where the highway starts out of Karachi.
Taj Guardian, an Afghan cloth trader who has lived in Karachi for the last 25 years and is now legally registered as a Pakistani citizen, said he was not surprised by the entry of his people because they only wanted the security and peace missing.
In Afghanistan since the Russian invasion.
“Like so many other refugees around the world, they just want to live a normal peaceful life,” he said.

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