Panjshir Attack Iran Pits against Pakistani contents, changing regional equations – News2IN

Panjshir Attack Iran Pits against Pakistani contents, changing regional equations

Panjshir Attack Iran Pits against Pakistani contents, changing regional equations
Written by news2in

New Delhi: It is clear that Pakistan content, supports Taliban, has made a sophisticated operation in Panjshir Valley on Sunday to destroy the National Resistance Front, led by Ahmad Shah Massoud, son of the legendary Tajik-Afghan commander Ahmad Shah Massoud.
The contents have been insolent about their support to extinguish the remnants of the last resistance to the Taliban, which spectacularly rolled to Kabul on August 15.
Faiz Hameed, Head of Contents, openly showed off his visit to Kabul on Saturday.
Choreography carefully has two main goals.
First, Hameed wants to quickly end the dispute in the Taliban, which, although many announcements failed to form a new government.
Second, Hameed, a rival of Pakistani Army Head, Qamar Javed Bajwa, obsessed with taking over operations in Panjshir.
Once the resistance is quickly wrapped in the use of massive fire power, it will open the way for the formation of self-elected government in Kabul, which can be run from far by Islamabad.
Pakistan, in turn, will get a “strategic depth” which can be used by Islamabad in confrontation with India in the future.
There are also other tertiary destinations expected.
For starters, Pakistan wants to show that it is armed with Chinese weapons such as drones, it has become a regional power in the heart of Eurasia.
Finally, Pakistan wants to send Indian messages that they have mastered modern warfare technology, put it in mind-games to affirm psychological power.
However, as on previous occasions, the contents of the possibility would be swallowed by Hubris himself.
The battle line with India has hardened.
But the equation between Iran and Pakistan, who seemed to be in improvement, had drove steeply and southern disaster after Panjshir’s attack driven by Sunday.
Iranians, who want an inclusive and balanced government in Kabul, have been angry with attacks on ethnic Tajiks – people, who are considered Iranians as theirs.
Iranians always see Afghan Tajik is part of their geo-cultural space, following the profound influence on the Persian culture in the community.
Iran is also very sensitive about the welfare of the Hazara community, which has been targeted by the Islamic State-Khorasan (IS-K).
The contents have penetrated IS-K to instill Aslam Faruqi as head-K? A fact that Iranians will find impossible to ignore.
In a clear reference to Pakistan, Iran on Monday “very cursed” “Foreign Interference” in Afghanistan after Pakistani drones and helicopters beat the Panjshir valley – zero land from anti-Taliban resistance.
“Everyone must know that the history of Afghanistan has proven that foreign interference will produce anything other than failure,” warning spokesman for Iranian Foreign Ministry Saeed Khatibzadeh while highly condemn the “very worrying” situation in North Afghanistan.
Khatibzadeh was condemned in the strongest term and declared regret at the martyrdom of the Afghan leaders.
Iran’s spokesman referred to Fahim Dashti, Ahmad (NRF) spokesman Ahmad Massoud, who was killed during a Sunday attack.
Another NRF commander, General Abdul Wadud Zareh, Uncle Ahmad Masoud also died in a drone attack.
Blind by the culture of impunity, and the racial bias of the Shia community, which calls a shot in Iran, the content has missed taking into account the depth of Iran’s anger against Islamabad after Panjshir’s attack after the attack.
The power mastermind attack has had at least two major implications of “large images”.
First, it is likely to encourage cracks between Panjshiris and West, which does not come to their support when it takes mostly.
Over the previous decades, Panjshiris has sacrificed the West by serving as their main allies both during the anti-Soviet jihad in the eighties and then against the Taliban Post-9/11.
The balance is used as a crowd by America and NATO to promote one-sided geopolitical goals impossible immediately disappear.
Second, Panjshiris is likely to develop “Eurasia” rather than the “western” geopolitical mindset, where neighboring countries such as Iran, India, Central Asia and India will emerge as a natural partner against “naughty” nuclear armed Pakistan, and a West opportunistic Has emptied the scene.

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