‘Parliament to decide on punishment if the marital rape is made offense’ – News2IN

‘Parliament to decide on punishment if the marital rape is made offense’

'Parliament to decide on punishment if the marital rape is made offense'
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The center on Friday told Delhi High Court it would argue next week to suppress to respect the audience, as sought in a new written statement in a group of petitions on the issue of marital rape.
Solikitor General Tushar Mehta gave Rajiv Shakdher’s justice bench and C Shankar’s day of additional written statements submitted by the center on Thursday.
Senior Advocate Colin Gonsalves, appeared for a female applicant, referring to the report on the British Law Commission and certain assessments from SC India in supporting their submissions to criminalize marital rape.
He handed over the court could not stop from handling the constitutionality of exceptions in the field so it was impossible for the woman to prove the rape of marriage because sometimes it occurred in the boundaries of households and personally.
If the High Court ruled out the release given to the husband under the IPC 375, the question of punishment was due to the parliamentary domain, he added.

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