Parties must unite with problems of corruption, unemployment and inflation: muliam – News2IN

Parties must unite with problems of corruption, unemployment and inflation: muliam

Parties must unite with problems of corruption, unemployment and inflation: muliam
Written by news2in

Lucknow: The founder of the Samajwadi Mulayam Party Singh Yadav on Tuesday asked political parties to gather in the problem of corruption, unemployment and inflation, and said that everyone was united, there would be development in the country.
He handled a meeting in a program held to launch a book, titled ‘Rajniti to US Paar’, compilation of the party’s works General Secretary Professor RAM Gopal Yadav and other socialist leaders.
There are questions about inflation, corruption and unemployment, and “I am happy that India has taken every problem”, said Mulayam Singh Yadav.
“I am happy that all countries (representatives of political parties) sit here and I thank Professor Ram Gopal for uniting them,” he said at the event in Indira Gandhi Prishhthan here.
The leader of the Jamajwadi Party (SP) also said that he was happy to see that everyone had gathered for this program, overriding their political affiliation.
In addition to the SP leader, the Communist Party of the National Secretary Atul Kumar Anjan, Congress leader and former MP Pramod Tiwari, Uttar Pradesh Party Aam Aadmi and Rajya Member Sabha Sanjay Singh, RJD MP Manoj Jha is present in the program.
No member of BJP in power in Uttar Pradesh at the book launch.
The famous journalist Hemant Sharma and Poet Uday Pratap Singh were also present on that occasion.
“On ‘Disha Ka Swal’ (country question) everyone is united.
If we live with this spirit, there will be state development and no one will be able to stop it.
There will be recognition of the country in the future,” said Mulayam Singh Yadav.
National President SP Akhilesh Yadav said that “the book will not only inspire the socialists but also future generations”.
Referring to the title of the book, he said, “If we see ‘Rajniti to the US PAAR’ (on the other side of politics), we see there is politics, and when we see ‘Rajniti Me Paar’, we can see that there will be a government in The state.
“Uttar Pradesh along with four other states will conduct a poll early next year.
The book was launched by Poet Hindi Kumar Vishwas, who is the main guest for the event.
“When I saw a list of people sitting on the stage and those who came, I felt something was missing.
It would be better if a BJP senior leader will also come on stage and discuss the life of Professor Ram Gopal,” he said RAM The Gopal Yadav in his speech said that whatever happened today, because “Netaji”, as called Mulayam Singh Yadav, and would always need His blessings.
He said that “without the struggle there was no creation”

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