Parties plan a digital rally strategy – News2IN

Parties plan a digital rally strategy

Written by news2in

Bhubaneswar: Campaign through a digital platform, including social media, given the surge in the case in Covid-19 is among the many first for candidates and political parties in the upcoming Pancrayat poll.
For the first time, conventional mode, such as public rallies, inyatras and demonstrations of cycles / bicycles will not be seen in rural polls because the State Election Commission (SEC) has imposed restrictions on these activities.
Virtual campaign challenges, political parties are preparing a strategy to use digital infrastructure strategies to carry out their poll campaigns and reach voters.
The powerful BJD has developed a well-organized cadre base at the Panchayat level to carry out its social media activities.
“We have appointed a social media coordinator of our youth students and wings in every Panchayat.
They have been trained to use a social media platform to carry out positive campaigns and fight opposition.
Such coordinators will be a key player in the campaign,” said BJD Wing Student President Devi Ranjan Tripathy.
The party has created the WhatsApp group where the state of the state government scheme is being sent regularly.
The party also plans to establish a center here to connect directly to the social media coordinator during the poll.
BJP has also planned to open control room at his country’s head office to coordinate digital campaigns in various districts.

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