Patna: Rs 5.59L recovered in Detained SHO’s Home – News2IN

Patna: Rs 5.59L recovered in Detained SHO’s Home

Patna: Rs 5.59L recovered in Detained SHO's Home
Written by news2in

PATNA: The vigilance analysis agency on Friday recovered Rs5.59 lakh and a couple of arrangement papers for property in the personal house of Deedarganj police station SHO Rajesh Kumar, that combined with constable Vivek Kumar was detained while shooting Rs 60,000 as according to Thursday.
He stated Rajesh and Vivek have been sent to prison on Friday.
Rajeshan inspector-ranked officer, had been detained from Deedarganj police station whilst purportedly accepting the bribe by a Nagendra Prasad Yadav of Rakabganj beneath Malsalami police station place at Patna City.
The complainant possesses nine trucks for hauling sand and rock chips.
The SHO had rough yearly paychecks that his trucks aren’t stopped for assessing or overloading.
Rajesh’s home can be found in Bajrangjpuri beneath Alamganj police station region area in Patna City.
It is in his mom’s name.
“The money was stored in a wooden cabinet.
He couldn’t explain the origin of such volume.
He had been intending to buy some plots at Patna where the arrangement has been created for interval payments prior to registry,” that a vigilance source mentioned.
The source mentioned four passbooks of different bank accounts also have been retrieved from his residence.
“The bank balances belong to Kumar, his wife, mother and dad.
Their deposit particulars could be accumulated,” the source stated.
Vigilance sources said Kumar had joined the police agency for a sub-inspector at 2009.
“His dad hailed as head constable from the RPF at 2012,” a source said.

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