Pay registry rent for rent in 15 days: gnida – News2IN

Pay registry rent for rent in 15 days: gnida

Written by news2in

Greater Noida: More than 3,350 allottes flats or housing plots that have not received rented acts registered in the Greater Noida authority, will get the last chance to claim their property.
Officials say that the plot will be retrieved if absent failed to obey the ultimatum in two weeks.
The authority that lacks cash must restore Rs 347.50 Crore from this default.
Additional CEO Noida, Deep Chandra said, “Fifteen days will be given to 3,373 to make a final payment, the other will not be canceled and the amount paid to the authorities so far will be scorched.
The canceled property will be taken back in our control and will float In the upcoming scheme.
“Some notifications have been spent for everyone like that in the past but they have not executed the deed of rent.
In most cases, more than a dozen notifications have been issued.
This will be the last warning and allotment will be canceled after this , “he added.
Authority officials have discussed this issue with senior officials during the last board meeting and have been given a green signal to continue the cancellation of not registered property.
About 221 housing plot owners were given a plot between 1992 and 2009 and 3,152 flat owners who bought units in a housing scheme assigned by authority between 2002 and 2014 under the lens.
RS 316 Crore must be taken from a flat owner, while Rs 31.50 Crore is due on the owner of the plot.
While the flat owner had to pay the average of 10 lakh to Gnida, the owner of the plot had to cough each of Rs 14.25 lakh.
For those who will pay contributions, Gnida has agreed to offer a discount of 40% in the number of lease penalty under a one-time completion scheme.
The President of the Federation of Rwas in Greater Noida, Devendra Tiger said, “If the buyer is interested in taking the land, they can complete the contribution.”

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