PDP to stay away from the restriction process in Jammu and Kashmir – News2IN

PDP to stay away from the restriction process in Jammu and Kashmir

PDP to stay away from the restriction process in Jammu and Kashmir
Written by news2in

Srinagar: The Democratic Party of People (PDP) on Tuesday said that it would not fulfill the restriction commission and called sports as “preparnangan” for certain parties.
They also accused the entire process “aims to further hurt the interests of the people” from Jammu and Kashmir.
“On August 5, 2019, the constitutional and democratic values ​​of our country are trampled with the Jammu people and Kashmir are robbed of their legitimate constitutional and democratic rights by revocation of article 370 and 35 (a) of the Indian Constitution., By Illegal and not constitutional, “Secretary General of PDP Ghulam Prophet Lone Hanjura said.
Secretary General, Hanjuria expressed this feeling to the Head of the Restriction Commission, a retired Supreme Court Judge Ranjana Prakesh Desai, who is currently visiting 4 days to Jammu and Kashmir.
“That day also saw the Jammu people and Kashmir humiliated and humiliated by downgrading and bifurcation of the country for almost 200 years, an action, without priority in India that was independent,” read the letter.
“Reorganization laws into products from the same process, we are opinions that are considered that the restriction commission does not have a constitutional and legal mandate in the first place and its very existence and the purpose has left every ordinary resident of Jammu and Kashmir with many questions” with many Question “.
He said, he further added that,” There are fears that the restrictions are part of the whole process of the politics of the people of Jammu and Kashmir that the Indian government has started.
“He further said,” At the point of this concern is the process Where the commission has been formed and the fact that while the process of restrictions throughout the country has been postponed by 2026, Jammu and Kashmir have become an exception.
There is concern that this process aims to realize the political vision of certain political parties in Jammu and Kashmir where, like other things, the views and desires of the people of Jammu and Kashmir will be considered at least.
“PDP is a BJP alliance partner in the last government and the latter withdrew from the coalition and subsequently, the abrogation of Article 370 and 35A from the Constitution and divides with the family and Kashmir into two Union regions in the midst of a large setback, PDP.
The leader said in his letter.
“This is a broad belief that the contours and results of this exercise have been planned earlier and exercises per say only formalities.
Intent which is very dismissible, “he said.
Referring to PDP’s participation in all party meetings chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the party said he did not want to come” in what way can be an initiation of the reconciliation process that aims to recover the rights of the person’s person and Kashmir.
“” Taking this opportunity, we want to note that despite the total humiliation of Jammu and Kashmir people, damaging our constitutional and democratic rights, the vilification and detention of political leadership and ordinary citizens, when the Prime Minister held all party meetings in New Delhi June 24, We do not let our wound come in a way that can be initiated by the reconciliation process that aims to recover the rights of the Jammu and Kashmir people, “he said.” Therefore, we participated in the meeting.
In our meeting emphasized the need to reach the people of Jammu and Kashmir and suggest special trust development steps that can cause violating the ice in the process of overcoming the massive trust deficit between deficits.
New Delhi and Jammu and Kashmir, “said Gulam Prophet from PDP.
He further said,” We were disappointed to see that after the meeting of all parties no one moved and there was no effort made to bring convenience into the lives of people, giving trust To them, who have in the first example, are called meetings a chance.
“Leave acting on the steps for the development of the beliefs suggested, he said, the Government Government has continued with” Daily provisions to the Jammu and Kashmir people including amendments and recent orders including those who make everyone who suspects (orders verify government government) and deepen the division between the two regions of the Jammu and Kashmir (commands related to the Darbar move).
“” Our party remembers the above things have decided to stay away from this process and not be part of some exercises, the results that are widely believed to have been planned beforehand and those who are more detrimental to the interests of our people, “he added.

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