Pentagon considered the Covid-19 booster mandate for troops – News2IN

Pentagon considered the Covid-19 booster mandate for troops

Pentagon considered the Covid-19 booster mandate for troops
Written by news2in

Washington: Pentagon said there was an “active discussion” in the department about making a mandatory covid-19 vaccine amplifier shot for service members, even when thousands refused or searched the exception of the initial shot requirements.
A spokesman for the Pentagon John Kirby said on Friday there was no final decision about this problem, but added that the Lloyd Austin defense secretary “really encouraged people, if they can and if they qualify, to get a booster.
But there are currently no requirements therefore “.
The Defense Department in August announced that it would begin to require all members of the military – including the guards and national reserves – to get the Covid-19 vaccine.
Military services send specific guidelines on the mandate, set their own deadlines and put the impact on those who reject and are not given the exception of medical, religion or administration.
Since then, the deadline for the Air Force, the Navy and the Marines has passed, and thousands still have not received a vaccine or seek exception, which involves a long process including meetings with commanders, pastors and medical personnel.
Speaking to reporters at the Pentagon press conference, Kirby said about 96.4% of all active personnel in charge of having at least one shot.
The percentage of plunge when the guardian members and national reserves are included.
Only about 74% of total military forces, including active tasks, guards and reserves, were fully vaccinated, but the army guard had until next June to get a shot.
Kirby said the number was trending in the right direction, but “we know there are more work to do”.
So far no service says that each service member has been forced out because of their rejection to get a shot, although the unknown number has voluntarily retired or leaving services on this issue since the mandate is enforced.
“Secretary’s expectations are 100% vaccination, that’s what he wants to see,” said Kirby.
He added that Austin also expected services to implement the mandate in a loving and wise manner and not “immediately go to a kind of punishment or administrative”.
Service, he said, must ensure that the forces understand the consequences of the decision to reject the vaccine, as well as the consequences of their health and the readiness of their military units.

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