People from Indians, people get threats, enter panic mode – News2IN
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People from Indians, people get threats, enter panic mode

People from Indians, people get threats, enter panic mode
Written by news2in

Chennai: As a calm that was uncomfortable in the province of KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng who had problems in South Africa, the worst was affected by July’s hardness after the arrest of former President Jacob Zuma, cracks began to show.
Their main targets – from India-South Africa in Durban and Johannesburg – said they had received a messapp message that threatened extended or ‘part-II’ violence, requested “Indians to return from where they came.” Kimeshan Raman, a resident of Durban and a 33-year-old social activist, who recently registered for OCI (overseas citizenship) cards, said, “This is a panic reaction.
Messages and videos are being circulated targeting Indians.
We want to protect Our family.
“At least 330 people, many of them were Indians, killed in riots that destroyed South African parts for about two weeks, from July 9 days after burning and deadly looting before Cyril Ramaphosa President mobilized the army to extinguish violence .
South African citizens from India have entered panic mode, desperate to plan “backup”.
Some of them speak to admit that they have submitted an OCI card or are in the process of doing it.
Potential applicants blame poor documents, including a list of contract workers brought from India almost 150 years ago, and less responses from the Indian Embassy for their situation.
“We are afraid of the round of other violence.
I will apply for an OCI card,” Krishna Jagarnath, 35, a resident of Durban, whose ancestors came from Bihar.
The grandson of Mahatma Gandhi Ella Gandhi, who lives in Durban, said, “We tried to unite people across race lines and building good peace and intentions.” But there is a lot of uncertainty and feeling insecure because of the threat of certain parts.
“We don’t know where they will attack and when they will attack,” he said.

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