People who have 2 covaxin doses or covishield in India can get booster in the UK only in the center for now – News2IN

People who have 2 covaxin doses or covishield in India can get booster in the UK only in the center for now

People who have 2 covaxin doses or covishield in India can get booster in the UK only in the center for now
Written by news2in

LONDON: People who have two of their first covid-19 vaccine doses in India can currently get a booster dose only at the Walk-in-Center in England.
Such people will not be able to get to order their booster doses on the NHS because they do not recognize Kovaksin Indian vaccines or covishield vaccines produced under licenses in India.
However, work is underway to expand various vaccinations that can be recorded in the English vaccination system.
Their Jab Booster will soon be recorded on their vaccine files and in the NHS application, but whether the first two jabs (taken in India) are recorded in this application all depends on the new solution developed by digital NHS, according to the Department of Spokesman for Health and Social Care.
“Individuals can access Booster in the Walk-in center without the need for their record to be updated in advance,” said the spokesman on Thursday.
A spokesman added that “ordering service solutions” were being developed to allow people with vaccinations abroad to contact NHS and order appointments by “reviewing evidence of their vaccination and their updated record”.
“It is expected to live soon,” said the spokesman.
IT consultants who were born in Nimit Shishodia (42), an Indian citizen who worked in London, flew back to England from India last week with his mother, Rajnee Shisodia (65).
He was trapped in India during locking so that it had two covishield doses at Uttar Pradesh.
After flying back, Nimit tries to register it for a booster online dose but the NHS site will not let it say, he doesn’t have the first or second Jab.
He then called his doctor to explain but the GP said the Indian vaccine was not accepted by the NHS and refused to change his mother’s record.
“I can’t let my mother get a virus.
I need her to get the Jab Booster,” he told Toi.

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