Pics: Gauri & Suhana Explore Serbia – News2IN

Pics: Gauri & Suhana Explore Serbia

Pics: Gauri & Suhana Explore Serbia
Written by news2in

While Khan Khan Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan was busy in the film set, working on his next major business, ‘Pathan’, his real daughter’s life – Gauri Khan and Suhana Khan, have found themselves in the mood for adventure.

The duo of stylish children surrendered on their trip and went to Serbia for a mini vacation.
Shake comfortable summer clothes, both about the road to explore city streets and seek inspiration from architecture, culture and heritage.
Gauri, which is an ACE interior designer, praises a useful tip for all designers who aspire high when he said, “The creative benefits that designer profits are influenced by the number of traveling they do # -imploring new destinations.”

Hitting the pose outside the big door of the Saint Sava Church, Mommy Khan looked uber cool in the green military hot shorts he paired with a suitable oversized jacket.
Suhana, on the other hand, shook the top crop tie-up and skirt.
Both Gauri and Suhana have spent their time utilizing their creative side.
Only last week, the video duo pampered charcoal therapy by spending their time sketching, going viral on the web with fans of GaGa over their artistic portraits.
Read Alsosuhana Khan and Mom Gauri issued their artistic team by spending a weekend creating charcoal arts ‘therapy’

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