PM launched the main initiative in the education sector – News2IN

PM launched the main initiative in the education sector

PM launched the main initiative in the education sector
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The teaching-learning process in this country must be continuously redefined and redesigned to make our world education class, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Tuesday.
The Prime Minister also launched several initiatives in the education sector, stressed that they would play an important role in shaping the future of India.
Safe! You have managed to throw your votelogin to see the results suspended at the first conclave ‘Shikshak Parv’ through video conferencing, he expressed confidence that these steps would not only make our education system globally, but also prepared youth.
“We must constantly redefine and redesign our teaching-learning process to make our world class education.
In this rapidly changing era, our teachers must also learn about new systems and techniques quickly.
This country prepares the teacher of this change, “He said in his speech.
“During Covid, we all witness the ability of our education sector.
There are many challenges, but you complete all challenges quickly.
Online class, video group calls, online exams – Terms like this are not heard by many before,” he added.
Modi launched an Indian sign language dictionary (audio and text embedded video sign language video for hearing loss, in accordance with universal learning designs), book talks (audiobooks for blind), quality assurance of school and CBSE assessment framework, Nishtha teachers’ training programs For Portal Nipun Bharat and Vidyanjali (to facilitate the volunteer of education, donors and CSR contributors to school development).
“Today, on the occasion of the Shikshak Parv, many new schemes have begun.
This initiative is also important because this country is currently celebrating the Nectival Festival of Freedom.
Taking new resolutions for how India will be after 100 years of independence,” The prime minister said.
“For the development of any country, education needs to be fair and inclusive.
For the same thing, this country includes talking books and audio books as part of education.
Based on UDL, the Indian sign language dictionary has been developed.
“You are all aware that for the progress of any country, education should not only be inclusive but also must be fair.
That is why, today this country makes technology such as talking books and audiobooks part of education,” he added.
People’s participation has become a key aspect of government decision making in seven years, he said and quoted programs such as ‘Swachh Bharat’ and moved to increase digital transactions among the poor to assert that the type of work carried out during this period could not have imagined the opposite .
“When the community brings together something, then the desired results must be fulfilled.
Public participation once again becomes the National Indian character.
In the past six-seven years, because of the power of public participation, such things have been done in India., Which no one can imagine.
“From the formulation of new education policies (NEP) to its implementation, there have been contributions to academics, experts, teachers, at each level.
You are all worth praising for this.
Now we have to take this participation to a new level, we also have to involve the community in it , “he said.
The theme ‘Shikshak PARV-2021’ is “Quality and Sustainable School: Learning from school in India”.
On that occasion, Modi also praised the performance of Indian players at the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, said they had inspired young people.
He said he had asked the players to visit at least 75 schools each during the ongoing ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’ program, and that they had received his request.

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