PM Looking for future technology adoption for grassroots police – News2IN

PM Looking for future technology adoption for grassroots police

PM Looking for future technology adoption for grassroots police
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday asked to establish a high-powered police technology mission led by the Minister of Home Affairs, to adopt future technology to meet the requirements of the grassroots police.
Overcoming the Valistic Session of the DGPS / IGPS conference organized by the Intelligence Bureau in Lucknow, Modi cites the example of a platform such as Cowin, Gem and UPI to emphasize the importance of the lives of the general public.
He suggested the positive use of drone technology for the benefit of the people.
The prime minister also suggested the development of inter-operating technology for the benefit of police forces throughout the country.
Participating in the Wideridanging discussion with the police chief about problems such as terrorism, left-wing extremism, cyber crime, narcotics trade, prison reform, NGO funds and threats drone etc., Modi called for all incidents related to the police and developed it in case of study to make it a mechanism Lear Ning is institutionalized.
He valued a positive change in the attitude of the police to the general public, especially post-covid.
Emphasizing the review of the concept of intelligent policing introduced in 2014, Modi suggested the development of road maps for the same sustainable transformation and institutionalization in police forces.
To overcome several routine challenges faced by the police, he was seeking highly qualified youth involvement to lurking technology solutions, through hackathons.
The 56th Police Chief Conference in Lucknow was attended by 62 DGP / IGP level officers, including the Head of the State and the UT police and the Central Police Organization and Central Armed Police forces.
More than 400 police officers from various rankings attended this conference almost from IB offices throughout the country.
The Prime Minister praised the conference hybrid format because it allows the flow of free information between various rankings.
Modi on Sunday also gave a presidential police medal for leading service to IB personnel.
For the first time, according to PM direction, IPS officers from various countries have submitted articles on contemporary security issues, which add more value to the conference.
The three-day conference was inaugurated by Minister of Home Affairs Amit Shah on November 19.
Shah is part of all discussions and offers advice and guidance, regardless of the trophy for three police officers at home officials (Shos) aware of PS Bazar in New Delhi, Gangapur PS in Ganjam Odisha district and Bhatttu Kalan PS in Fatehabad, Haryana.

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