PM Modi discusses the situation of Afghanistan with Putin: key points – News2IN
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PM Modi discusses the situation of Afghanistan with Putin: key points

PM Modi discusses the situation of Afghanistan with Putin: key points
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Western forces at Kabul Airport worked flat on Tuesday to make people out of Afghanistan before the August 31 deadline as thousands remained stranded in a torn country war.
The Taliban has warned the US and British consequences if they violate the pullout time limit.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin for the ongoing crisis in Afghanistan.
Here are the top developments …
chaos at the airport, the chaos interspersed by sporadic violence has gripped Kabul airport, with Western forces and Afghan security guards driving back crowds who were desperate to escape.
Countries that have evacuated around 50,000 people for the past 10 days trying to meet the deadline agreed upon with the Taliban for the withdrawal of foreign troops, a NATO diplomat told Reuters.
“Every member of the foreign force works at the footing speed of fighting to meet the deadline,” the official said, who refused to be identified.
Leaders of the Seven Group (G7) countries – England, Canada, France Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States – will meet virtually on Tuesday to discuss the crisis.
India brought back 78 more India on Tuesday brought back 78 people, including 25 citizens and a number of Sikh and Hindu Afghanistan from Dushanbe, a day after they were evacuated from the Taliban Kabul to Tajik City.
The group together with three copies of the Sikh Scripture, Teacher Granth Sahib, was flown from Kabul to Dushanbe by the Indian Air Force military transport aircraft on Monday.
With evacuation on Tuesday, the number of people who were brought back to Delhi reached more than 800 since August 16 when the first group was flown from Kabul, a day after the Taliban took control of the capital of Afghanistan.
The Indian mission to evacuate its citizens and Afghan partners from Kabul have been crowned as “Shakti Devi Operations”.
PM Modi spoke to Putina Minister Narendra Modi spoke with Russian President Putin by telephone for almost 45 minutes to discuss the situation in Afghanistan.
He previously spoke to German Chancellor Angela Merkel and discussed the ongoing security situation in Afghanistan and its implications for the region and the world.
PM Modi has taken a stock of situations in Afghanistan and has directed officials to ensure safe Indian evacuation stranded in a crisis-hit country.
The Taliban made a rental match, the Taliban had made the main promise because they were closer to formalizing government in Afghanistan.
The Taliban appointed a new Minister of Finance, a head of intelligence, and an acting interior minister in Afghanistan, the Pajhwok news agency reported on Tuesday.
Gul Agha said to be the Minister of Finance and Sadr Ibrahim will become the Minister of Home Affairs.
Najibullah will be the head of the intelligence, while Mullah Shirin will become Governor of Kabul and Hamdullah Nomani the capital of the capital.
They also appointed an unclear official as governor of the central bank as signs of emerging from the financial crisis in Afghanistan, with ATM running out of cash and the price of spinning items.
Mohammad Idris, who led the Taliban Economic Commission, would “overcome the problem of rising banking and community problems” as Head of Bank Da Afghanistan, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahed said on Twitter.
Pakistan urged an ‘inclusive’ agreement with the Taliban Foreign Minister Pakistan told Tuesday that inclusive political settlement was the best way for peace and stability in Afghanistan after the Taliban takeover.
Pakistan fully supports efforts in that direction, he added.
According to the Statement of the Foreign Ministry, Shah Mahmood Qureshi made a statement in telephone calls with Russian partners, Sergei Lavrov, about the situation in Afghanistan.
The statement said Qureshi told Lavrov that Afghanistan who was peaceful and stable was very important for Pakistan and the region.
Qureshi said told Lavrov about Pakistani outreach to regional countries for consultation on challenges arising from developments in Afghanistan.
(With input from agency)

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