PM Modi prepares 2024 general elections, said Sanjay Raut referring to the appointment of Bhupendra Patel – News2IN

PM Modi prepares 2024 general elections, said Sanjay Raut referring to the appointment of Bhupendra Patel

PM Modi prepares 2024 general elections, said Sanjay Raut referring to the appointment of Bhupendra Patel
Written by news2in

Mumbai: Referring to the appointment of BJP MLA first time Bhupendra Patel as President of Gujay, Shiv Sena Sanjay Raut on Friday said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has begun to take a brave step to prepare 2024 general elections after state losses.
Raut, executive editor of the ‘saamana’ funnel party, in his weekly column said, “Modi is a real face BJP and everyone is a torn mask.
Without Modi, many of these BJP masks will be defeated in the city election.
Realizing this, he has been Start taking a bold step to prepare 2024.
“Further Raut said that since JP Nadda became President of BJP, the party had experienced constant change.
“It was through Nadda that the main ministers of Uttarakhand and Karnataka were changed.
The Chairman of the Gujarat Minister also changed in an instant, in fact, the entire cabinet was reshuffled.
The Chairperson of Gujarat Minister Bhupendra Patel was the first time MLA.
Modi-Nadda has shown that nothing is impossible in politics .
They have made all ministers in the Kadani cabinet sit at home, “said Raut in his editorial.
“24 Ministers who have taken an oath, all have become ministers for the first time.
Modi and Nadda have bet on Gujarat by taking all former ministers including Nitin Patel.
Rajendra Trivedi is a speaker from the legislative assembly, he has also made a minister,” he added.
Raut further said that Shiv Sena said the BJP had started ‘improving work’ through Nadda to overcome party defeat in West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Maharashtra.
“In the past few months, except for Assam, BJP must face defeat in West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Kerala.
Amit Shah has put his life in West Bengal.
In Kerala, Sredharan has entered.
But in the era of Amit Shah, the Sena BJP-Shiv alliance 25 years in Maharashtra broke down and now BJP must sit in the opposition.
They also lost West Bengal, the reason PM Modi must start repair work through Nadda, “said Raut.

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