PM PM Boris Johnson refused the second lock as ‘the most dying above 80’: ex-Aide – News2IN

PM PM Boris Johnson refused the second lock as ‘the most dying above 80’: ex-Aide

PM PM Boris Johnson refused the second lock as 'the most dying above 80': ex-Aide
Written by news2in

LONDON: Former Adviser Boris Johnson Cummings Dominic launched a new attack on the British Prime Minister on Tuesday, accusing him of taking Coronavirus lightly and revealed he held a conversation about driving him away.
In a BBC interview aired on Tuesday, the Mastery of the Brexit Anti-EU campaign Johnson said his former boss “placed his own political interests in front of the life of the community”.
Cummings resigned when Chief Downing Street Adviser in November after the struggle for internal power.
As the latest of a series of attacks on the government, he shared the WhatsApp message seems to be from Johnson.
In one message indicated by Cummings to the BBC, the prime minister was suspected of writing in October that most people were dying of viruses in mature old age.
“The average age is 82-81 for men 85 for women.
It is life expectancy above.
So get covid and live longer,” Johnson is said to have written in text messages.
The prime minister also seems to underestimate the impact of the pandemic on national health services (NHS), despite receiving intensive care treatment for Covid last spring.
“I no longer bought all these extraordinary things.
My people think we might need to recalibrate,” WhatsApp message from October 15 said, two weeks before Johnson announced the second lock.
Cummings summarizes Johnson’s attitude at the time: “It’s terrible but people who are dying basically have more than 80 and we can’t kill the economy just because people who are dying more than 80.” Asked whether Cummings’s memory was true, a spokesman Johnson flatly answered “no”, and insisted that he had been “guided by the best scientific advice” throughout the pandemic.
Business Minister Paul Scully told BBC Radio: “Prime Minister has several decisions that are very difficult to make.” We want to protect people, we want to keep people safe …
but it must be balanced with people’s livelihoods.
“Johnson has faced due to criticism for hesitant at various stages of the health crisis, with the number of British deaths that jumped to the worst in Europe before the successful vaccine launch.
On Monday he controversially chose to continue with relaxation of almost all the restrictions on the virus in the UK, though The number of cases that grew steep in the past few weeks.
Cummings also claimed that at the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020, he had to persuade Johnson not to continue to meet Queen Elizabeth II directly every week.
He claimed the prime minister on March 18: “SOD this.
I will go and see it.
“Johnson changed his mind after Cummings said he told him that some of the shooting staff had been infected, and that risking the life of the king, then aged 94 years,” really crazy “.
It was” really crazy “.
Prime Minister’s spokesman told Journalist: “This doesn’t happen and we’re clear about it.” Buckingham’s palace refused to comment.
Prime Minister repeatedly condemned the first key from March 2020 as a “disaster”, said Cummings.
England government raised many virus restrictions during the summer 2020 including reopening Shops that are not important, and encourage people to “eat out to help” in restaurants.
But because of the case and hospitalization soar after summer, new locking in England entered England October 31 – more than a month after government scientists began to pressure one.
Cummings, who became a hatred for most of the public when he took a family trip during PE Menguncian, revealed that he held talks about potentially seizing J.
Ohnson shortly after the December 2019 election victory, when the Effect of the Prime Minister of Carrie’s partner grew up.
“Even even in mid-January we held a meeting at number 10 clearly it was clear that Carrie wanted to get rid of us all,” he said, according to the extract released by the BBC.
“At that time we have said in the summer, we will all leave here or we will be in the process of trying to get rid of it.”

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