PM PM Johnson suffered the election disaster – News2IN

PM PM Johnson suffered the election disaster

PM PM Johnson suffered the election disaster
Written by news2in

LONDON: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Friday suffered a defeat of destructive elections in an election that had never been lost before by his conservative party, a result that raised serious questions about his leadership.
His party won a chair in the North Shropshire, Central England, by a majority in 2019, but it was removed by the Liberal Democrats in voting on Thursday with results that would intensify the conservative mood.
Johnson, 57, has been shaken after around 100 members of his parliament rebelled in the parliament on Tuesday against the introduction of government vaccines for major events.
The authority of the British leader has also muddy repeatedly in recent weeks with corruption claims and reported that he and his staff broke the restrictions of the Coronavirus Christmas.
The weeks of poor headlines change what is usually a routine victory in rural chairs that are safely won by 23,000 votes only two years ago a defeat that destroyed nearly 6,000 votes, while soaring the case of the virus had added a sense of crisis.
The government reported nearly 89,000 new infections on Thursday, a second consecutive record every day.
The candidate who won Helen Morgan said that voters had sent a message “hard and clearly” to Johnson that “the party is over.” “Your government, running in lies and bluster will be responsible.
It can and will be defeated,” he swore.
– Spanking on the face – Defeat is likely to see more members of parliament archiving trusters to their leaders, which can trigger the sound of the internal party to remove it.
The same process sees that Theresa’s predecessor can be overthrown in mid-2019 after parliamentarians including Johnson opposed the Brexit agreement in Parliament.
Liberal Democrats seem to have been assisted by supporters of the Main National Opposition Labor Party lending them their voices.
“I will choose Liberal Democrats because I am very offended by Johnson’s performance,” Martin Hill, 68, who usually chooses workers, to AFP earlier this week.
“It will be a tactical voice I want to give to Johnson’s face.” However, the other in the small town Whitchurch prepares to ignore the former violation of the Mayor of London.
“I don’t think it’s enough for us to say: ‘Right, we want new leaders now’, because I think Boris has done a very good job,” said Sue Parkinson’s 67-year-old, who had chosen the conservative for the two decades final.
– The gloomy view – the atmosphere before the vote was far from May, when the conservatives swept the victory of unprecedented elections in the Northeast England seat Hartlepool behind the launch of a successful vaccine.
But this virus once again dominated the English life and the arrival of the Omicron variant again deepened the gloom before Christmas, with the Prime Minister’s authority to weaken.
The UK also suffers spiral inflation as a result of large loans during locking, high energy prices and supply chains of obstacles.
The tax rises as well as the loom starting next April.
Johnson who won the superb voters support in 2019 about his promise to “complete Brexit” had been tried by controversy since the beginning of last month.
It began with its failed efforts to change the rules of parliamentary discipline to leave MP North Shropshire Owen Paterson suspension after he was found to have violated the lobby rules.
Paterson, who has held a seat since 1997, then stopped, forcing Thursday’s election.
The crisis was immediately defeated by a report that Johnson and his staff broke Covid rules last year by holding several parties around Christmas just as public told to cancel their celebration plans.

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