PM to interact with BJP workers through the Namo application in Varanasi tomorrow – News2IN

PM to interact with BJP workers through the Namo application in Varanasi tomorrow

Written by news2in

VARANATION: Following the announcement of the model behavior model for Prime Minister’s assembly polls Narendra Modi will interact with Bharatiya Janata’s party worker from Kashi for the first time on Tuesday.
Kashi Regional Unit President Mahesh Chand Srivastava said that PPI interactions with workers from Kashi will take place through the Namo application at 11am on Tuesday.
Party workers have been asked to share advice, ideas, inputs, and their questions for interaction in the application comments section, which can be referred to as long as PM.
Interaction, said Srivastava.
“This will be for the first time after being promulgated by MCC in the state for assembly of polls when PM will interact with party workers.
This interaction will begin with Kashi, the last visited PM to dedicate Kashi Vishwanath Dham on December 13 and has laid the foundation of the Amul factory To mark a new start from the white revolution in the East, “said Srivastava.

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