Pocso Court ordered psychiatric assistance for rape victims – News2IN

Pocso Court ordered psychiatric assistance for rape victims

Written by news2in

Thiruvananthapuram: Judge Fast Track (Pocso) here on Thursday was ordered to provide medical assistance to a woman who was not stable mentally ahead of the commencement of her suspected sexual actors.
Judge R Jayakrishnan issued this direction after he noticed that the survivors did not have a healthy mind to give his statement.
Survivor, someone with learning disabilities, who is currently 22 years old, has been suspected of facing sexual harassment from two neighbors in 2013.
When he was only 15 years old.
He studied in class VI when he faced the abuse.
His mother also suffered the same mental condition.
Poojapura police registered the case and arrested the defendant after the teacher and the girl’s classmate watched the abuse on his face and neck and asked about it.
The defendant’s test is scheduled to begin on Thursday.
Immediately after the session began, the judge noticed that the woman gave a statement that was not coherent.
The judge then asked him about his favorite things in his life and ambition to make him relax.
He told the judge that he likes to have Maggi noodles and want to learn to drive and karate.
When asked why karate, he replied that he wanted to beat the people who violated it.
Public Prosecutor RS S Vijay Mohan then stated that the victims needed psychiatric care, but his family was in a condition to provide his treatment.
His condition grew worse after sexual abuse.
He and his mother were under his grandmother’s care, who was 90 years old.
The judge directed the authority of the psychiatry wing at the Medical College Hospital to provide his treatment and also directed the police to provide assistance to them.

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