Police Kerala enforces the sidewalk on the protest parade, the use of loudspeakers – News2IN

Police Kerala enforces the sidewalk on the protest parade, the use of loudspeakers

Police Kerala enforces the sidewalk on the protest parade, the use of loudspeakers
Written by news2in

Thiruvananthapuram: The state police have been aimed at back-to-back murder in Alappuzha.
The Head of the State Police Anil Kant said that all police personnel will be pressed into the next three days in the state and leaves will only be given in an emergency.
The police will intensify vehicle checks at night and also days, and pickets of police will be established wherever there is a possibility of legal and order problems.
Special initiatives will be taken to capture all that fight who has been issued by Warrants, and a detailed list of criminals will be prepared and they will be subject to supervision.
There will be a limit to use loudspeakers and parade protests in the state for the next three days.
The National Police Chief has also instructed all senior officers to remain at their headquarters around the clock and assess the situation in their jurisdiction.
The state has been placed on the head of high warning and district police have been asked to look for additional troops, if needed, to maintain law and order.
They have also been instructed to assess whether the order of fragrances is needed for certain areas.
Back-to-back political murder in Alappuzha has occurred only a week after a meeting of high-level police officers and above was held by the National Police Chief to map new plans and review the functions of the troops.
After recurrent criticism against the police.
The meeting had decided to find fresh ideas and strengthen law enforcement activities carried out by the police to overcome various types of crime.
The police have also announced a project entitled ‘Operation Kaaval’ to arrest them behind drug smuggling, illegal sand mining, organized crime and a gang attack in the state.

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