Police officer Chicago was accused of downtown Subway Shooting – News2IN

Police officer Chicago was accused of downtown Subway Shooting

Police officer Chicago was accused of downtown Subway Shooting
Written by news2in

Chicago: A Chicago police officer who shot an unarmed man behind when he tried to escape from arrest by including escalators at a busy subway station had been charged with a battery with firearms and official violations Thursday.
Cook County District Prosecutor’s Office said in the news release that Melvina Bogard, transferred himself to be a investigator on Thursday morning and at the hearing of the afternoon bond, Judge Cook County Ortiz ordered that he was released on his written promise to appear in court.
, Hearing the next court is scheduled for August 18.
The shooting took place in February 2020 at the city center station.
Bogard and other officers were chasing Ariel Roman, a consecutive cook suspected of violating the city’s procedure by walking from a train car to another.
The cellphone video was shot by an observer who was published almost immediately received national attention, just like a recording of the police’s body camera and the camera of the Transit Authority Supervision Chicago was released two months later.
The recording showed the officers who pursued Rome and Boggard shot him at the feet of the escalator and then shot him from about 10 feet away.
Roman survived the shooting and filed a federal lawsuit that accused Bogard and other officers, Bernard Butler, “pursued, handled, sprayed, and shot twice.” The announcement of allegations was not surprising considering the actions of police supervisors and comments made by spokesman and mayor.
Charlie Beck’s interim supervisor signaled his concern immediately and took unusual steps to request that the prosecutor sent directly to the Red Line Station L where the shooting occurred.
At that time, Anthony Guglielmi’s spokesman, Beck, said that while the supervisor “did not want to rush to assess,” the incident raised significant tactical concerns about the actions of officers.
Mayor Lori Lightfoot revealed his support for the Beck’s decision to send prosecutors to the scene and his concern about what he called “very disturbing” cellphone video.
Also, while officers involved in the shooting are always immediately placed on the duty table, Beck takes unusual steps from their stripping from their police force waiting for the results of the investigation.
If there was, the concern was only deepened when, a few months later, the security video and extended body camera were also released, showing the Boggard Shooting Roman behind about 10 feet when he ran up the escalator.
In April this year, police supervision David Brown recommended to the police board that Boggard was fired.
On Thursday, the department said the Police Council had not made a decision and declined to comment on his arrest.
According to the State Lawyers Office, the battery charge that was exacerbated brought a sentence of six to 30 years in prison and the official violation content brought a sentence from the trial period of up to five years in prison.

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