Policy 2 Children up: Does India need population control steps? – News2IN
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Policy 2 Children up: Does India need population control steps?

Policy 2 Children up: Does India need population control steps?
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Uttar Pradesh, the most populous country in this country, has announced that he wants to control the population to promote sustainable development with a fairer distribution.
The BJP government in the state has floated proposals that focus on the couples disinifier from having more than two children and rewards those who only have one child.
The Chairperson of the Minister of Yogi Adityanath launched the design of the population policy bill of 2021-2030 on the day of the population of the world.
The legislation proposed for population control has become the main political flame point in the state that is ready to go to the poll next year.
Not only rising, some other countries also work to apply population control measures.
However, some experts quoted a decrease in total fertility levels to argue that India might not need these drastic steps to control the population.
What are the main conditions of the top population control policy? UP CM has said the sole purpose of the policy design is to align the level of state reproduction in its development goals.
It also aims to reduce gross fertility among women to 2.1 in 2026 and up to 1.9 years 2030.
In the Draft population of Pradesh (control, stabilization, and welfare) Bill-2021 issued by the State Law Commission, ‘Bacche Is He acche has been highlighted.
The proposed policy announces several incentives for parents who follow the two-child policy or only have one child.
The following is to see some of them: Likewise, for those who do not obey this norm, there will be some disincentive in accordance with the design of the proposed bill.
Other countries that have two children’s policies? Two countries ruled by BJP, Assam and Karnataka moved towards the implementation of a two-child policy.
At least 12 states at a point of time implementing a two-child policy for government employees.
Countries include Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Uttarakhand.
However, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Haryana, and Himachal Pradesh then revoked the policy.
Why is the opposition objection to the policy? Opposition in Uttar Pradesh has carried out the Yogi government for the proposed population policy, putting it aside as “election propaganda” to distract people from failure in various fields of assembly next year.
Samajwadi Party (SP) MP from Sambhal, Shaqfqur Rahman Barq said the state government must prohibit marriage if he wants to stabilize the increasing population.
“Many births take place in China and you (India) stop people from having children.
The time will arrive when we will be very little.
If there is a war, then where you will bring people to fight,” Barq said.
VHP Work President Alok Kumar sent a mission to the state air commission that said he had to avoid providing incentives to parents with a single child because this could affect state demographics.
He quoted the cases of Assam and Kerala, where the growth of Muslim populations has surpassed Hinduism.
Head of Bihar Minister Nith Kumar, JD (U) was BJP allies, opposed the population control policy and said that only framing the law would not serve the purpose as far as the population control problems.
He emphasized the need for education and the right awareness among women to achieve goals.
Why do we not need a population to control Lawis There are services in the opposition claims to the population control law? While increasing population has become a curse for the country, data shows that the trend of increasing population in many countries including Uttar Pradesh.
Two indicators, TFR, replacement for TFR showed that the population in several countries had declined.
At least 18 countries have achieved a replacement of total fertility (TFR).
While the fertility rate shows the average number of children whose women will give birth during the years of their reproduction, the level of fertility replacement is the level of fertility in which a population exactly replaces from one generation to the next.
It is assumed that for a country’s population remains stable, the total fertility rate must be 2.1.
In 1950-55, the total level of Indian fertility was 5.9.
The rate has decreased steadily since 1975 to touch 2.2.
Experts believe that the fertility rate in India is projected to fall to 1.93 in 2025.! Function () {“use tight”; window.addeventListener (“message”, (function (e) {if (e).
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