Politicians cannot grieve for a long time: Omar On Art 370 Abrogation – News2IN
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Politicians cannot grieve for a long time: Omar On Art 370 Abrogation

Politicians cannot grieve for a long time: Omar On Art 370 Abrogation
Written by news2in

SRINAGAR: Two years after the special status of Jammu and Kashmir were canceled and he was detained for 234 days, NC leader Omar Abdullah said on Wednesday that after the initial “very tired” he had realized that as a politician he had no right to “grieve” and could not Disappointing people struggling with their basic constitutional rights.
On the second anniversary of the cancellation of Article 370 constitution, the former chairman of the State Minister of State that has been combined into the area of ​​the Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh, said that what was done on August 5 Come shocked for most affected people “suddenly, Unexpected and unconstitutional blows “.
Abdullah, who spent seven months in detention challenged at the Supreme Court, remembering, “I am a very tired and disappointed individual.
I find it difficult to motivate myself even to enjoy basic political activities that might occur in a valid situation.
But the saying goes ‘If you want a rainbow, you must hold it with rain’.
So here I do the best I can for people.
“He said the workers and national conference leaders (NC) had made a great sacrifice for the Jammair and Kashmir people.
“Hundreds of our workers and some of our leaders have fallen into guerrilla bullets.
I think of all this when certain light inside me gets dimmer during my insulation confinement.
I realized that I couldn’t just leave,” he told PTI.
, There is no doubt in the mind of Abdullah that revocation of article 370 is not constitutional that has been challenged as in the name of his party in the Supreme Court.
“I have hope and faith in the Supreme Court who has said that they can change the time back if it is appropriate.
I am sure that justice someday will be done to the hours of your hours, Kashmir and Ladakh said,” said Vice President NC.
Answering questions about the meeting of Prime Minister Narendra Modi with the mainstream leaders of Jammu and Kashmir on June 24, Abdullah said that the initiative needs to be followed up on the grounds to produce meaningful results.
“The hidden prime minister talks about reducing” Doori “(distance), both physically and mentally, between Delhi and Jammu and Kashmir.
We are now waiting for the beginning of the follow-up meeting,” he said.
“There are so many talks about developments, development.
We will welcome that if it really happens.
Administration needs to be beyond the inauguration project that has begun after work during the elected reign,” said the NC leader.
About the substantial increase in claims in the legal and order situation, he said, “You cannot bend people and then claim everything is fine.
In the past two years people are not permitted to protest even peace.
The legal process is ignored.
At one The side of the redness of the situation painted situation and on the other hand the center tells the parliament that the state will be restored when the situation is normal.
“In any case, people can no longer continue to lose the selected government through free and fair elections in full state, Abdullah emphasizes.
Both the recovery of state and early elections have been promised at the highest level by the center.
“It must be a full, pure, pure state recovery, followed by the selection of assemblies.
There is no better way to reduce, mostly, the trust deficit in question,” he said.
Abdullah was categorically that he would not fight with the election for the future but made it clear, “I will continue with our people and serve them even if I’m not in the assembly.”

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