Politicizing Covid Origin Tracing will lead to everywhere: China – News2IN

Politicizing Covid Origin Tracing will lead to everywhere: China

Politicizing Covid Origin Tracing will lead to everywhere: China
Written by news2in

Tehran: Tracing the origin of Covid-19, a complex science problem, “must and can only be done by scientists throughout the world through a joint research”, the Chinese Ambassador for Iran wrote in a piece of opinion published recently, warned Washington’s efforts to politicize this process.
The reaction from the Chinese Ambassador came in the background of a report by the US Intelligence Community (IC) at the origin of Covid-19.
IC has issued a two-page assessment, not classified on its efforts, offering “main takeaways” after “checking all available intelligence reporting and other information”.
“Basically, this is a truly recovery report made for political purposes and there is no scientific or credibility in it, which is not good for international anti-pandemic efforts,” said the Xinhua news agency as said in the article.
Calling reports that are jointly released by the Chinese and who is earlier this year as “a good foundation for international cooperation about the origin of origin,” Ambassador said that China has “supported science-based efforts on tracking origin suggestion, and will continue to survive..
“Meanwhile,” We firmly opposed efforts to politicize this problem, “he added.
In the article, he also criticized the US to “not becoming transparent, responsible and cooperative about this problem,” said “hypes on the Lab leak theory while avoiding tracing the origin at home.” Noting that Iranian President Ebrahim Relisi underlined his match against it by using a problem from Covid-19 tracing as a pretext of pressing and containing China, Chang said, “China’s side appreciates a fair position on the side of Iran.” China will continue to work with friendly countries including Iran and the international community to fight tracing setbacks from politicization and bring it back to the right scientific cooperation path, contributing to the last victory against the pandemic, he added.

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