Polling up: AIMPLB will not attract support for any party – News2IN
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Polling up: AIMPLB will not attract support for any party

Polling up: AIMPLB will not attract support for any party
Written by news2in

Lucknow: President of All Indian Muslim Private Legal Council (AIMPLB) and Rector of Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulama, Maulana Raabey Hasan Nadwi on Monday clarified that either he as head of the council and the council itself would issue a particular political appeal of the party before the election.
Senior scholars based in Lucknow, in a statement in Urdu, said that political activities had turned on the country’s scene and some people wanted to declare support to a party.
These scholars refused to do so have asked people to use their democratic rights intelligently, follow Covid norms and do not fall prey to rumors that connect the AIMPLB to any party.
“Many people have started asking me to exempt for certain parties.
These people do not have knowledge of ideals, regulations, and regulations, history, constitution and work area of ​​the AIMPLB.
Part 4 The council constitution clearly states that the AIMPLB as an institution does not will harmonize all forms of politics.
either in my capacity as an individual and as the Head of the AIMPLB and Nadwa, the fact remains so, “the scholar said.
He further clarified that every appeal or a statement that supports every political party floating like one of the Imbub, must be treated as not oten and false.
“Rumors of Mills worked on overdrive when the election was on the corner.
So be aware of such an appeal and bring it with a little salt.
Identify such people who spread wrong information and did not fall in love with their traps.
Voting is a democratic right of everyone and must be used With intelligence and maximum deliberation so it is very helpful for the country and society as a whole, “said Maulana Nadwi.
In the final match of his statement, the Ulama reaffirmed the need to take part in the government guidelines for Bakreid to keep covid pandemics visible.

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