‘Pope wants the participation of lay people to discuss Church reforms’ – News2IN

‘Pope wants the participation of lay people to discuss Church reforms’

'Pope wants the participation of lay people to discuss Church reforms'
Written by news2in

PANAJI: The layman of all levels of society needs to contribute to their ideas and concerns ahead of the bishop synod by 2023 so that the Roman Catholic Church can learn from the experience of the Catholic community, said Bishop Allwyn Barreto on Sunday on Sunday from St.
Joseph Vaz.
Bishop Barreto, who is the main celebrand for the party, said that Pope Francis wanted the Lay Christian community to contribute to the spiritual growth of the Church.
“Our synod will come.
During the synod we will decide what to do to improve the church to reform.
How to make it more holy,” Barreto said, added, “Do we all contribute to this business or will we give it to the priests only And bishop? The Pope wants all ordinary people to participate.
“St Joseph Vaz is a Saint Patron from the Great Diocese of Goa and Daman and Annual Party celebrated in a low way with limited participants because of the pandemic.
“The Pope wants people to share their thoughts about this synod and I am waiting to see all ordinary people to help make the Church beautiful, spiritual, holy community.
So that this happens, the help and support of the most important people,” Barreto said.
Archbishop of Goa and Daman Filipe Neri Ferrao, Bishop Agartala Lumen Monteiro, Bishop Emeritus from Port Blair Alex Dias and other priests are present for parties.
In Homily Bishop Barreto asked the faithful to be ready to make the sacrifice needed to become the true disciple of Christ, like St.
Joseph Vaz.
FR Manuel Dias, the Super Suci Chancellor of St Joseph Vaz thanked the parish, government officials and other authorities for support after members of the right-wing clothing threatened to disrupt the party held.
The leader of Bajrang Dal Jayesh rose to issue threats to Parishmat Sancoaleke and government officials on celebrating parties.

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