Positive Cover Covid Maha 4.8k, Mumbai 299 – News2IN

Positive Cover Covid Maha 4.8k, Mumbai 299

Positive Cover Covid Maha 4.8k, Mumbai 299
Written by news2in

Mumbai: The city registered Tally Covid-19 Lowest Day in 15 months on Monday when 297 people were tested positive for the SARS-COV-2 virus.
The last time the city had less than 300 cases a day on April 24, 2020 (242), at the beginning of the first wave.
At the state level too, less than 5,000 cases of everyday (4,877) were added, taking Covid calculations as far as 63.7 lakh.
Calculate the last state of the state below 5,000 on February 17 (4,787) this year, before the second wave began.
The daily toll fell to 53 deaths in Maharashtra, including 8 in Mumbai.
Experts say low cases can be a combination of two or three factors – low testing on Sundays (the results are counted a day later), the decline of the natural wave of the second and / or “monks masking” of real numbers.
With at least eight districts affected by flooding and several others received heavy rainfall, Covid testing had taken the back seat.
Daily tests in Maharashtra during the weekend were 1.48 lakh with a daily average of 2.2-2.3 lakh, while Mumbai saw 24,989 tests by opposing 30,000-pluses every day.
AMC Suresh Kakani said the second wave was controlled at this time.
“Most cases are scattered, and no clusters grow anywhere in the city,” he said.
Shashank Joshi, a member of the State Task Force, said the low number could become a “thick tail” indicator of Maharashtra was reducing.
“But there might be a ‘masun mask’ case.
With rain and flooding, the fewer people are being tested,” he added.
With falling cases, the state is expected to make a decision to relieve this week’s limit.
Officials say Timing stores can be upgraded to around 4pm, and hunt for weekends on dinner restaurants and keeping open non-essential shops appointed.
The state also considers allowing malls opened in a limited way.
“A decision must be taken last week, but was postponed due to heavy rains throughout the country,” said a senior official.
More sectors can be allowed for train trips.

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