Post aukus, Biden Dials President of France Macron; Both leaders to meet in October – News2IN

Post aukus, Biden Dials President of France Macron; Both leaders to meet in October

Post aukus, Biden Dials President of France Macron; Both leaders to meet in October
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: United States President Joe Biden and his French colleague Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday agreed that “open consultation” among allies about the interesting things for France would help have a better situation, days after the security alliance between Australia, England And America left Paris’s paris.
On September 15, Biden, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced auxiliary trilateral security alliance where Australia would get a nuclear-powered submarine fleet.
In the process, Australia wasted the conversation about submarines from France.
The movement made France anger, European allies from the US, who said he had been “stabbed behind” and openly revealed his anger at the Aukus Alliance.
This is considering the ambassador to the US and Australia.
But in Washington, officials have defended the multi-billion defense agreement to provide Australia with a nuclear-powered submarine.
The White House said Biden had asked for the call.
Macron and Biden spoke on September 22, at the last request, to discuss the implications of the announcement on September 15, the joint statement was released after the call.
“The two leaders agreed that the situation would benefit from an open consultation among allies about the things that were interesting for France and our European partners.
President Biden conveyed his sustainable commitment in that matter,” he said.
Biden and Macron have decided to open a profound consultation process, aim to create conditions to ensure trust and propose concrete steps on shared goals, a joint statement said.
“They will meet in Europe at the end of October to achieve a shared understanding and maintain momentum in this process.
President Emmanuel Macron has decided that the French Ambassador will return to Washington next week.
He will then start working intensively with senior US officials,” said a statement that.
During a call, Biden reiterated the strategic strategic interest in French and European engagement in the Indo-Pacific region, including the framework of the European Union strategy recently published for the Indo-Pacific.
The US also recognizes the importance of European defense which is stronger and more capable, which contributes positively to transatlantic and global security and complements NATO, he said.
“In the framework of the battle with them against terrorism, the United States is committed to strengthening its support for counter-terrorism operations in Sahel carried out by European countries,” said a joint statement.

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