Post-covid hair loss is temporary, document words – News2IN

Post-covid hair loss is temporary, document words

Post-covid hair loss is temporary, document words
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The city hospital reported a sharp increase in hair complaints among Covid-restored patients.
Usually, a spokesman at the Apollo Delhi Hospital said they would record four to five complaints of hair loss a week.
However, hair loss cases “began to increase from mid-May and the consolidated report said we had seen twice the number of cases since then,” he added.
Usually, Covid-19 patients experience hair loss a month after recovering from the disease.
In some cases, hair loss was observed during the infection period as well, the doctor said.
Disadvantages of dietary habits, fever during infection, stress, anxiety, sudden hormone changes and persistent post-covid inflammatory reactions are some reasons for temporary hair loss, they said.
Dr Shahin Nooreydan, senior consultant, cosmetic and plastic surgery, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, said, “We have seen a doubling increase in the number of patients who complained about the problem with hair loss.
Post-covid inflammation has become a major contributor.
Deficiency due to nutritional intake Compromised, severe changes, hormonal disorders, and reduced vitamin D and B12 levels are some of the main reasons for the loss of large volumes of post-infection hair loss.
Kuldeep Singh, a senior consultant, cosmetics and plastic surgery, said,” post hair loss -Covid is temporary in nature and is caused by a condition called Telogen Effluvium.
This is the result of a surprise talled the body after suffering from fever and other symptoms during Covid-19.
Rommel Tickoo, Director, Internal Medicine at Max Saket said hair loss Related Covid-19 usually starts after recovery, usually six-eight weeks after the progress n Positive people.
“While many people consider this as a hair loss, it is actually a shedding of hair, which is temporary.
There is no evidence that the Coronavirus novel itself directly causes hair loss.
In contrast, physical and emotional stress, malnutrition, changes in hormones and persistent inflammation conditions.
Accompanying the Covid-19 case can cause the condition of the hair loss which can be reversed which is called Telogen Effluvium, “he said.

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