President Joe Biden to host Canada , Mexico’s leaders at the White House 18 November – News2IN

President Joe Biden to host Canada , Mexico’s leaders at the White House 18 November

President Joe Biden to host Canada , Mexico's leaders at the White House 18 November
Written by news2in

Washington: President Joe Biden will meet at the White House next week with the leaders of Canada and Mexico, his office said on Wednesday, as the US government sought to shore up the alliance under strain under Donald Trump.
At the meeting on 18 November Biden, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and President Andrés Manuel López Obrador will discuss efforts to combat the pandemic, as well as climate change and immigration, the White House said.
Biden relaunch meeting known as the summit of North American leaders, who last held in 2016 before being abandoned by Trump.
“During the summit, the United States, Mexico and Canada will reaffirm their ties and integration while also charted new paths for collaboration,” the statement said.
It is said that the talks will also address the “vision of regional migration,” a sensitive issue for the US and Mexico, which regularly saw thousands of Central American migrants who arrive on the southern border of his hope to reach the United States when they were fleeing poverty and violence.
at home.
“With respect for the sovereignty of each and in a spirit of true partnership, we reiterate our unwavering vision that North America is the region’s most competitive and dynamic in the world,” the White House said.
In addition to the three-way talks, Biden will also participate in bilateral meetings with Trudeau and Lopez Obrador.
The US statement noted that Biden holds its first foreign bilateral meeting as president with the leaders of Canada and Mexico.
“Since the first day of administration Biden-Harris, the United States has reaffirmed the importance of regional partnerships us to realize the future of a more equitable, prosperous, greener, democracy for all citizens Hemisphere,” said Senior Director Biden Affairs Western Hemisphere, Juan Gonzalez.
Change the tone of the era Trump is Stark.
Trump renegotiate the North American major trade deal with the two US neighbors but it has also sparked conflict with them.
Her project to build a wall along the southern US border with Mexico weighed on relations.
He also had a strained relationship with Trudeau, called him “dishonest” and “weak” at the height of US tariffs on imported steel and aluminum from Canada, the EU and Mexico.

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