President of the World Economic Forum praised the Indian Pandemic Response, Reformation – News2IN

President of the World Economic Forum praised the Indian Pandemic Response, Reformation

President of the World Economic Forum praised the Indian Pandemic Response, Reformation
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The World Economic Forum (WEF) President Borge Brende has praised the government’s “agile” response to the Covid-19 pandemic, his commitment to the COP26 Summit recently and structural reforms carried out by IT to improve the economy.
In a piece posted on the Prime Minister Narendra Modi website, he said that India has a unique opportunity and an important role in fostering regional cooperation in South Asia, thus creating new opportunities for growth and prosperity.
Paying attention to structural reforms carried out in recent years by the government to increase the long-term economic outlook, he said it was a vision to catalyze Indian transformation proven in the launch of the initiative such as the Gati Shakti National Master Plan and ‘Mission Atmanirbhar Bharat.
Praising the government to put the emphasis on manufacturing, Brende said, “With a global supply chain reshoring and the search for geographical diversification in their redistribution, India offers safe and stable goals and can emerge as an important hub for global manufacturing.” India has a demographic advantage, skilled workforce, technical knowledge, and the research and development capacity needed to create a strong niche for itself in the global market, said Brende.
Referring to the national infrastructure pipeline and the national monetization plan to improve infrastructure development, he said the broad development agenda supports initiatives in several sectors, including reforms to consolidate many different labor laws, the preparation of bankruptcy and banking reforms, and banking reforms, and banking .
He also praised India’s new focus on the space sector through the Indian Space Association which was just launched, and said the country could emerge as an important center for global manufacturing.
Praising the handling of Indian Pandemics, Brende wrote, “Apart from the destruction of the economy caused by a virus, an agile response of India has been commendable, mainly because the country Berlia manages the second wave of the second virus in 2021.” India is the first country to feel the impact of Virulent Delta variant but swinging rapidly in action to ensure that as many people are vaccinated.
One billion doses of vaccines have been given.
“In addition to protecting its own population, India has also acted in the world’s best interests by providing medical equipment and equipment to more than 150 countries and placing a critical supply of Covid-19 vaccines on the world market, he said.” Indeed, pandemic is the point of inflection for India for introspection.
In its potential as a global leader, especially those who came when the country celebrated 75 years of independence, “added Brende.
Respecting India to fulfill the global commitment of climate change mitigation, he said India is far earlier to achieve other ambitious commitments such as making 40 percent renewable energy From the mixture of its energy in 2030 and managing the absorption of 2.5 billion tons of carbon.
Picamrit promised ‘on the COP26 summit in Glasgow, he said that it would see the country discuss the five main sectors of its economy as a means to reduce greenhouses.
Gas emissions.
Mention the Indian reform trajectory, Brende wrote That it marked 30 years since its economy deregulation, which is another important turning point in its history and proof of its ability to rediscover itself.
“Current administrative efforts to promote digital empowerment and financial inclusion of Miles specifically to be considered.
Under the auspices of the digital payment system supported by the government, millions of poor families and without confonies have entered the formal economy and can now access basic financial services,” he said.

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